Monday, November 7, 2011

Pi (1998)

movie 1998

One: Mathematics is the language of nature.
Two: Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.
Three: If you graph the number of any system, patters emerge.

You fly to high,
you'll get burnt.

Have you met Archimedes?
You remember Archimedes of Syracuse? Eh?
The king asks Archimedes to determine if a present
he has received is actually solid gold.
Unsolved problem at the time.
It tortures the great Greek mathematician for weeks.
Insomnia haunts him and he twists and turns in his bed
for nigs on end.
Finally, his equally exhausted wife,
forced to share a bed with this genius,
convinces him to take a bath, to relax.
While he's entering the tub,
he notices the bath water rise.
Displacement - a way to determine volume,
and thus a way to determine density.
Weight over volume.
And thus Archimedes solves the problem.
He screams, "Eureka!"
and he is so overwhelmed,
he runs naked through the streets to the king's palace
to report his discovery.

Now, what is the moral of the story?
- That a breakthrough will come.
Wrong! The point of the story is the wife.
You listen to your wife, and she'll give you persepective.
Meaning, you need a brak.

I'm not interested in your money.
I looking forward to understand our world.

I don't deal with materialist like you.

Remember Pythagoras.
Mathematician, cult leader.
Athens, circa 500 BCE.
Major belief: The universe is made of numbers.
Major contribution: The golden ratio.
Best represented geometrically as the golden rectangle.
Visually, there exists a graceful equilibrium
between its length and width.
When it's squared, it leaves a smaller golden rectangle behind,
with the same unique ratio.
The squaring can continue smaller and smaller,
to infinity.

Remember da Vinci.
Artist, inventor, sculptor, naturalist.
Italy, 15th Century.
Rediscovered the balance perfection of the golden rectangle
and penciled it into his masterpieces.
Connecting a curve through the concentric golden rectangles.
You generate the mythical golden spiral.

Pythogoras loved this shape,
for he found it everywhere in nature -
a nautilus shell, rams' horns, whirlpools, tornadoes,
our fingerprints, our DNA and even our Milky Way.
My new hypothesis:
If we're built from spirals,
while living in a giant spiral,
then everything we put our hands to is infused with the spiral.


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