Saturday, November 12, 2011

Origins of Us (2011)

Documentary, 2011
Dr. Alice Roberts



So really in order to be good runner
you have to be a good strong butt.

So the muscles in my bottom,
your bottom,
and every human bottom on Earth,
have been shaped
by the facts that our ancestors
evolved the body meant to run.

But this running body wasn't built for
more speed.
It evolved to run long distances.
Our ancestors were endurance runners.

In a developed countries say
few hours run on regular basis
its really is remarkable reflect
how much our bodies are shaped by running.

(Our Ancestors) their running wasn't a choice
it wasn't their accretion activity,
it was essential to survival.

4 million sweat pores
3 liter sweat in an hour.

Our long distance runner body
became our secret weapon.

It took nearly 5 million year of evolution
to get from Toumai (7 m yrs) to Nariokotome Boy (1.8 m yrs)
in that time our ancestors had abandoned the forest
for the Savannah.
And it had gone for being four limb climbers to legged runners.

As far as we know
the first stone tool makers
were Homo Habilis
appearing around 2.5 million years ago.

Big powerful thumb we have and don't chimpanzees.
relatively new, 2.5 million years in Homo Habilis.


EP. 2 - GUTS

Recent research suggests
it was cooking, not meat
that fuel the evolution
of our big brains.
It was cooking
that made us human.

Cooked food is much easier to digest than raw.
and this single fact holds the key that why cooking was so important in our evolution.

... Risk taking is almost doubled
when an attractive woman is present.



They say the eyes are the windows to the soul.
And our eyes are unique.

We are the only animals on the planet
which show the whites of their eyes.

We can do something that no any other animal on Earth can do,
we can tell what someone thinking just by looking at their eyes,
we can literally read their minds.

But there's a price to pay having a big brain
giving birth is one of the most painful and dangerous experience
women have to endure.

Humans are the only species that need help to get birth,
our babies heads are so big that it standing like it getting out at all.*

... but compare to the most new born mammals
his brain is relatively immature.
He doesn't have much control over his body, and even less ability to make sense the world around him. It'll be about 8 years before his brain reaches its full size, and it'll around midteen before it properly mature.

(Europeans) share the genes with Neanderthal (by interbreeding)

Human Evolution in glimpse.

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