Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Life in a Day (2011)

Life in a Day
[The Day in the documentary was 24th July 2010]


Time between 3am and 4am ...

I love my wife,
I love my son,
i love my land,
i love my animals,
my dogs, my f?, my chickens, horses in the background,
i love my life,
but what i love the most,
i love my Lord,
my heavenly Father,
my Creator,
from whom all the blessings flow.

I feel like born again
because of my hair cut.


Pros and Cons

Well the documentary is good, like Baraka, but i'll say Baraka is still good.
This is new perspective, and the idea i got that We Are All One, one species one human being .

One bad thing about the movie is, the cameras are pretty in the hand of amateurs so ... not good.
and the other bad thing about the movie is, it is Inside Out, while we as a viewer want to see Outside In.
I mean the purpose of the documentary is to see the life of normal, a common human. and we can only see it, when we see it from distance. Some professional should record it while common man is not aware that he is being recorded.

One little defact is also they did not cover the all ... all todays normal life aspects.
And sure movie maker is not be blamed when camera is in your hand, sure you'll not want to show your mischievous things by your own.

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