Thursday, June 9, 2011

Destination Titan

Destination Titan (2011)


"only once every 175 years are the major planets -  jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - so aligned...
it opportunity occurs in this decade in 1970s and will not recur until the middle of the 22nd century."

October 1997
"Europe and America have joined forces in a 3.5 billion mission called Cassini".

"if you go out to the dsitance of Satrun from the sun,
sunlight is very weak,
so you can't use the traditional way of generating electricity on a spacecraft,
which is to use solar cells.
So, you have to do something else and this is true of all outer solar system missions.
And what is done is to use radioactive material.
This case plutonium.
And you use the radiation that it emits
essentially to generate electricity."

"Seven years' work and this is the make or break night."

"Cassini and the Huygens probe would take seven years to reach Titan."

"In total Cassini's route would take it 2 billion miles on its journey to Titan"

"Huygens remains the most distant spacecraft landing in history."


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