Monday, July 25, 2011

The Universe: Strangest Things

History Channel
Season. 3 Episode. 10



"The more we learn,
the less we know."

Strange as it may seem
astronomers have discovered
interstellar clouds
actually filled with the same kind
of alcohol found in beer.

Giant molecular clouds are enormous complexes of gas and dust.

The first alcohol cloud was detected in 1975.

The cloud G34.3, which resides
in the constellation Aquila
is 1000 times the diameter of our solar system.

In fact, in G34.3, there's enough ethyl alcohol
to supply 300,000 pints of beer everyday.
to every single person on planet Earth.
for the next billion years.

The only downside is that
it would probably give you a pretty bad headache
because it's also mixed in
with hydrogen cyanide
carbon monoxide, cabron dioxide, ammonia
and some other fairly not-so-nice chemicals.

PLANET X,  a hypothetical planet, still to be discovered.
Kuiper Cliff

a trio of pulsar planets about 900 light-years away
located in the constellation Virgo.

If i had my say, they'd probably go down
as the weirdest planets in the universe.
And these planets are all very close in to the pulsar.
Now, that's no place for a planet to exist.
Nobody expect to find planets around these things.
because a pulsar or a neutron star
is the remnant of a supernova explosion.
The star has ripped itself apart
in one of the most violent, chaotic explosions known in the universe.
So what are planets doing there?
This was the real surprise.

Magnetars and pulsars are both strange stars
but scientist have discovered something even more bizarre:
a star that acts like a pulsar and a magnetar.
NASA's Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer has observed this unusual star
ejecting five colossal outbursts of energy in the form of flares
which are charactereistc of magnetars.
They occured five ties between Mayu and July of 2005.

"Human beings and most of the universe
are made up of normal matter
which primarily consists of four fundamental particles.
One is a ghost-like particle called a neutrino.

At this very moment, every second there are 50 trillion neutrinos
actually coming from the Sun
that are passing through my body.
and there are other neutrinos
from other stars, coming in different
directions right through the Earth.
These things, by the trillions are pouring into me every second.

These things are so non-interactive
that if you imaging a light-year thickness of lead
and you shined a beam of neutrinos toward it
half of those neutrinos would make it through that light-year thickness of lead
completely unscathed.

Neutrinos are commonly formed
by nuclear reactions inside stars, including our Sun.

About 60 billion solar neutrionos
pass throiugh our tumbnails every second.

But there are other sources that create neutrinos.
They are produced by nuclear reactors
there are some being produced by the radioacive decay
of elements in the rock around all the time.
And there are others that are actually produced
when cosmic rays slam into our atmosphere.
[so do gemstones also create neutrions, and wearing may effect on you!?]

one of the strangest asteroids.
Tautatis also has a highly elliptical orbit
which carries it from the asteroid belt to inside the Earth's orbit.
It's an Earth-Crossing asteroid and that
puts it in the danger zone.

In Sept. of 2004 Tautatis got too close for comfort.
The asteroid came withing a million miles
or about four times the distance to our Moon.

About 240 moons exist in our solar system alone.
And yet Earth's Moon is the only satellite in the solar system
that perfectly eclipses the Sun.

 moon of Jupiter.
290 miles across,

aka, ULIRGs
"in our galaxy, about one new star
the size of our Sun is born every year,
but in ULIRGs, about a hundred new stars are formred yearly.


Planets, stars, moons and galaxies
make up less than 20% of all matter in the universe.
The rest is made up of dark matter.

Galaxies spin faster than
counting up the amounf of gravity that you can see
from the matter they have.
And if that gravitational attraction weren't there
the hot gas would disperse.
So we know there's more gravity
than we can accounf for
by the mass that we see
and that is just simply called dark matter.

"It's a theoratical form of energy that exists everywhere
and accounts for 70% of all mass and energy in the universe.

Dark Energy doesn't really have all that much to do with Dark Matter.
They're different things.
The "dark" really means we just don't know what's going on.

... that the universe is actually expanding more quickly with time
and dark energy may be the culprit.

Normal matter and energy tend to slow down the rate
at which things are going away from each other
because normal things pull on one another gravitationally.
But dark energy appears to accelerate the rate
at which object pull away from each other.

One theory suggests that dark energy
will accelerate the expansion of space to such an extent
that the entire universe will be ripped to shreds
in about 50 billion years.

.. even smallest atom will be ripped apart.

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