Monday, November 28, 2011

Aliens and The Creation of Man




Desmond Morris
Naked Ape

"in 1967, British Zoologist Desmond Morris
argued against Darwin's Theory of Evolution
in his book THE NAKED APE.
In it Morris wrote
that there was no reason why man stood alone from
other species in terms of his nudity.
and that reduction probably goes back way beyond homospaiens in times
that probably goes back to time when the very first early bipedal homonids
came out of the forest in Africa into the Savannah
where they had more sun and more thermo radiation to cope with.

Varius ver. of Experiments

"But if Alien beings created humans by
genetically altering our primitive ancestors
might various versions of hominid
have been the result of experiments of creating
intelligent life on earth.

FoxP2 is the gene which is found in our nucleotides
and its something that sets us completely apart from any other animal.
And scientists have suggested that
 that gene alone is responsible for language.
and there is absolutely no evidence of origin
that this thing somehow mutated animal kingdom towards us.
so this gene exist out of nowhere without any origin.

The Sumerians are not the only culture
that talks about this.
also in the Quran it says
that the language was given to us by Allah or God.
The Maya Popowu says that the language was given to us by gods.
The ancient Egyptian texts say the exact same thing.

Why are so many past civilizations
all same similar things.
I think the simple answer is is that the same thing happen
and they know the story.


Francis Crick, the co-discover of double helix in cell
said this all this can't happen by chance
but has to be engineered.
one of his argument is that the
rotation of the DNA isn't the same direction
for all living things
Had DNA developed on Earth it would probably have a 50-50
distribution, and that's exactly what we don't have.

Today scientist know that only about the
5% of the DNA contain in our genes
is used to reproduce human beings
the remainder is undecipherable code.
once referred to as junk DNA.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Puncture (2011)

Movie, 2011

At least I've a courage to lose for what's right.

The plastic syringe is the root of AIDS epidemic all across Africa
and Russia and India.


Limitless (2011)

Movie, 2011

This stuff's amazing.
_ Works better if you're already a smart.

... and then i got scared,
why? because I'm not stupid,
Nobody can operate at that level of mental activity and not crash.


The Pianist (2002)

Movie, 2002

Germans never use Jewish toilets.
It's too clean for them.

I blame the Americans...
What do they think they're doing?
People here are dying.
Haven't got a bite to eat.
The Jewish bankers should persuade America to declare war on Germany.

Must feel better on this side of thw wall,eh?
- Yes, but sometimes I'm still not sure which side of the wall I'm on.

Safest place to be.
Right at the heart of the lion's den.

I don't know how to thank you.
-Thank God, not me.
-He wants us to survive. At least, we have to believe in that.


3:10 to Yuma (2007)

3:10 to Yuma
Movie, 2007
Russel Crowe

proverb 13:3
"He that keepeth his mouth, keepeth his life.
He that opens his lips too wide, shall bring about his own destruction."

"Every way of a man is right in his own eyes", Byron,
"but the Lord ponders the hear"
proverb 21

They say discretion is the better part of valor.


Saturday, November 19, 2011


Documentary, 2010


EP. 1 -



[summurise: Geocentric to Heliocentric, Tycho to Newton]

This is the story of how history made science and science made history,
and how the ideas that were generated changed our world.

... you and I are actually on a giant rock
which is spinning through empty space at at least 1000 miles ah hour.

Astrology was all about predicting where and how the planets would move.

It was unbelievably tedious work,
hundreds and hundreds of pages of calculations (of Copernicus),
which took him more than fiver years.
As he (Kepler) later wrote,
"If thou, dear reader, are bored with these wearisome calculations,
take pity on me, who did it 70 times."

All planets travel in ellipses around teh Sun.

He put his findings together into this book,
The Starry Messenger.
Unusually for an astronomical book of its time, it is well written,
it  has loverly pictures and very little maths.
In fact, it soon became a 17th cetury bestseller.

And then, in 1632,
it all went terribly wrong for Galileo.
He published a book that destroyed his life.
The book enraged the Pope
and remained on the index of prohibited books for more than 200 years.
It's called the Dialogue.

... But worst of all,
that the was really saying is there are truths which
go beyond the realms of religion,
or as he once put it,
"The Bible teaches us how to go to heave,
not how the heavens go."


Coffey Shops
They became knows as penny universities.

His monumental work, explaining that gravity held the universe together,
was published in 1687.
This is PRINCIPIA by Newton, and it is beautiful.

built on Tycho's observations,
Kepler's elliptical orbits,
and Galileo's discoveries.
Now Newton outlined universal laws of motion
that explained how the planets moved.

Universe is expanding.

It seems now we are actually living through a giant cosmic explosion.

Hubble Space Telescope
Four hundred years since Galileo groun his first lenses,
this is what we use to look at what's out there.

... above all, by the marraige of two skills,
the making of instruments and the generating of ideas.

EP. 2



[summurise: Chemistry, Air (oxygen, hydrogen, potassium), Atom (electron)]

Appearances deceive.

Well, we consist almost entirely of empty space.
If you took the entire population of the world,
all six billion of us,
and removed that empty space,
then we could be squeezed into a cube smaller than that.
(a small sugar cube)

Brand (alchemist)
His discovery was named Giver of Light,
or phosphorus.
It became rather important.
It was later used to make the match.

Joseph Priestley
"He was looking for God,
not just in the Bible but in the natural world."

Lavoisier set off to repeat the (Joseph Priestely's) experiment.
And was soon boasting of his discovery,
the same air (Josp's Pure Air), but with a new name.
Lavoisier called it oxygen.

But what Lavoisier did next
is, I think, a defining moment in the story of science.
He decided to run the Priestley experiment in reverse.
The gas and the shiny metal recombined to form red calx.
Now, the really significant bit,
he foiund it weighed exactly the same as before.
This was to become a fundamental principle of modern chemistry.

Inflammable Air (Hydrogen)
found by Lavoisier in 18th century.

Humphry Dave
discovered Potassium

... And then there was Davy's friend,
the poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Now, he actually helped coin the name, "scientist,"
to describe what people like Davy did.
Alternatives included, "scientman,"
but it was "scientist" that stuck.

But the journey that began in the tropics,
with the search for quinine, also led here,
to the killing fields of the Great War.
Uniforms were coloured khaki with artificial dyes.
Explosives wre produced by the same process used to make fertilizers.
It brought us the horrors of poison gas, chlorine,
a gas used in the dye industry that Perkin had pioneered.
Word War I has been described as the chemist war.

Seeing is believing.
Nobody had actually seen an atom.
They're far too small.
Lots of physicists were skeptical about their existence.

J.J. Thomson the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1906.
for discovering the electrons.

The behaviorof electrons could only be described
not as certainties,
but as probabilities.
Now where electrons are,
but where they are likely to be.
The new theory was known as quantum.
Neils Bohr,
the father of quantum physics,
once said that if you're not profoundly shocked
when you hear about it,
then you haven't understood it.
Even Albert Einstein initially rejected quantum theory,
saying, "God does not play dice with the universe."

Now, it is astonishing when you think that in just 60 years,
we have gon from this, a single transistor,
to this, a micro processor that contains over two billion transistors.


EP.3 - 



All the animals who have hoes and horns
are herbivorous.

In 1844, this slim,
rather ordinary-looking book was first published
and it swiftly became one of the most controversial books
of the Victorian age.
It was a literary sensation selling tens of thousands of copies
and it was read by everyone of influence,
from the Queen downwards.
Adding to its mystique
was the fact that its author mad estrenuous efforts
throughout his lifetime to remain strictly anonymous.

The author was a Scotsman, Robert Chambers.

Chambers called it Vestiges of Natural History of Creation
and it it he presented a compelling case
for the notion that species are not fixed,
they change.
That everything had developed from an earlier form.
He called this concept "transmutation".
We call it "evolution".

... Chambers was not the first person to write about evolution,
but he did take the argument further than others had.

Just as new technology might give one factory an edge over another,
so it was in nature.

They found that the sea floor didn't consist of one thick uniform crust,
as used to be thought,
but a number of think, interlocking plates.

Wegener's Pangea
a never-ending cycle of change that Wegener had called "continental drift".

Because, every time our planet experiences violent change,
a new opportunity for life opens up.

The 18th century
was the age of the experiment.


EP. 4 - 



[Machines, Factories, Energy]

Simon Stevin's Windmills

Now the power of windmills helped turn it into an industrial powerhouse.

Holland became av even more dynamic trading nation,
and Amsterdam one of the richest and most cosmopolitan cities on Earth.
Here you could buy almost anything diamonds, furs, exotic spices.
Amsterdam was enjoying a golden age.
The city produced the first central bank,
the first stock exchange and the first economic crash.

(seed to captalism)

Now the plan was clear.
Boulton had the capital, Watt had the idea.
Together they would get seriously rich.
This was capitalism in action.

The steam engine had enormous global impact.
And yet the surprising thing is,
there was hardly any scientific theory behind it.
That would come later.

... once his engines had been installed,
the money began to flood in.
This three-page document was the key to Boulton and Watt's wealth.
It's a patent.
It covers Watt's adaptations to the steam engine.
Now you had to go on paying royalties year after year,
long after the machine was installed.
Any savings you made from the machine a proportion went straight back to them.

In the early 1800s,
if you wanted to get from A to B
you were better off buying a horse.

The first law of thermodynamics
is a mathematical description of energy
known as conservation of energy.
It states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.
So you can never get more out than is contained in the fuel you put in.

Walsh was convinced that the electricity from the torpedo fish
was not only the same as the electricity in lighning,
but that it must be possible to produce it using machine.

Italian scientist Alessandro Volta.

What's interesting is that Volta,
when he writes to the Royal Society,
he effectively gives away all his secrests,
which is a bit of a shame for him because this turned out
to be one of the greates technological discovereis of all time.
It is, of course, the battery.

What is really surprising,
looking at it from a modern perspective,
is that, for a long time, people had no idea what to do with the batter.
It had no obvious practical application.
There was nothing to plug it into.
It would be generation before somebody manage to find a really significant practical use.

18th June 1815
electric telegraph

Radium is Radioactive

While one ton of radium
could do the work
one hand half million tons of coal.

The theory encapsulated in E=mc2
would eventually lead to the release of nuclear energy and atomic bomb.

Small wonder that our planet alone
in the solar system glows in the dark.


EP. 5- 



[Human Biology]

Now, I've got a pig's heart here,
which is about the same volume as a human heart.

just over 2 ounces (blood filled in heart)

Harvey did some quick calculations based on how often the heart bearts.
and came up with a figure of 500 ounces.
That's how much blood is passing through the heart every half and hour.

In the 1850s, the first synthetic dyes
burst onto the scene,
creating a whole new range of colours.
Fashoin drove demand.
Painting and the arts were also revitalized.

But it's also shown that the secret of life
deos not lie in simplicity,
in any one chemical or process.
The essence of life lies in complexity.
The hope of finding easy answers has slipped away.

EP. 6 - 


[Human Psychology - Chorcot, Freud, Darwin, Cajal, Skinner]

In fact, the idea of being light-hearted or heavy-hearted
com from the Gyptians.
And, in a way, you can understand
why they thought that the emotions resided in the heart.
But, certianly, when I have been broken-hearted,
I've felt it in my gut and in my chest.

Often, the best way to understand the normal
is to study abnormal.

[Cajal discovered brain's neurons by his passion of art and photography.]

because, in Skinner's view,
free will was nothing but an illusion.

famous visual illusion.
Its called the Ames Room.


Die Welle (The Wave)

Movie, 2008
aka. The Wave


What else is important for a dictatorship?
-Discipline, Mr Wenger.
Very good, Tim.

Excellent. High unemployment and social injustice.
certainly would favour a dictatorship.

So we can copy from each other?
_ if it means better grades, yes.
That's why I'm checking your grades,
and seating the good next to the bad.

Uniform, Team Spirit

Speak of the devil
- Leave it.
- You're uncool if you're always available.
- Trust me. I'm a girl, I know how we think.

The Wave means a lot to me.
- Like what?
You know about that,
you have a healthy family. I don't.


Aliens, Gods and Heroes


But the question is
where did all those ideas originate?
and the answer is simple
due to extraterrestrial contact in the remote past.

Invisible Cloak

Exoskeleton Machines


River Why

Movie, 2010


Gus: You believe that stuff?

Titus: I'am not sane, Gus.
I believe in the rivers of living water.
I believe our should swim in that water.
I believe that Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammad are the savor in that water.

Gus: Wish I believed that.

Titus: And why don't you?

Gus: Bait or fly.
Fried or scrambled.
Jesus or Mohammad.
I mean, does it really make any difference?
Does it really matter?
Where are all these sages and buddhas holing up...
now when we really need 'em?

Titus: Well, would you know one if you met one?

Come on, Titus.
Even Izaak Walton talks about the goodness..
of the God of nature.
I've never seen Him, and I've fished in ten states.
Whoever, whatever, wherever He is or isn't..
if He really wants me to notice Him
maybe He should stop being so scarce.

All right. Why can't a duffer like me catch a fish?
Isn't the answer obvious?
Isn't it because at my present level of skill
the fish would have to be so damn dumb
and utterly unelusive as to be not worth catching?
And how much more elusive...
should a thing as wondrous as a soul be?
Fisherman should be the easiest of men to convince...
to search for their souls,
because fishing is nothing but...
the pursuit of the elusive.
How can you be so patient in searching for fish...
and so hasty to write off your soul...
because you can't see it.

You can't keep a person
in a place he doesn't want to be.
-- No, but can't you at least make it a place
-- that they might wanna visit?

Run Like I'm a River...

Little Ice Age: Big Chill

Documentary, 2005


From the 14th to the 19th centuries
a little ice age targets mankind.

Last major ice age,
 ended about 10,000 years ago.
when 30% of ice was covered by ice.

life saver of Europeans.
[Europeans were not using potatoes.]

Trees, wood, violin

Bear, Hard Liquor

In ways we really ponder..
We are the creatures of our climate.


The Soviet Story

Documentary, 2008

Thousands of tons of oil
instructions materials
even train loads of soviet grains
were sent to German army.
Soviets citizens were starving
but their government were sending food
to Hitler.

He was the one who personally monitored the extermination of 7 million Ukrainians,
Himmler monitored extermination of Jews.
Both men agreed that for the common good
certain groups needed to be killed.


Faster than the Speed of Light

Documentary, 2011

[in short: by one experience at Geneva by OPERA scientists, neutrinos travel tiny bit faster than the speed of light, but scientists are still skeptical because they think there might be some mistake in calculation and other that the supernova explosion in 1987, neutrinos travel tiny bit slower than the speed.]



There are 16 types of fundamental particles
that are the smallest and simplest building blocks in the universe
together that explains the world and that what hold it together
three of those elementary particles are neutrinos.

neutrinos are so small
without any charge
they can pass trough the space very easily
in fact neutrinos are so tiny
that if the atom is the size of the solar system
then the neutrino is the size of gulf ball.

We also know that
despite their tiny size
they do still have a small mass
which means according to Einstein
they can't travel faster than speed of light.


The Experiment (2010)

Movie, 2010

Why would you run a prison experiment?

Throw some animals in a cage
and you get to find out which one of us is gonna be the lions
and which ones are gonna get gut.

I like to thing we're slightly higher on the evolutionary chain than monkeys.

It dont' matter how evolved you think we are.

You lock up any animal long enough
and the strong's gonna eat the weak.


Perfume - Story of a Murderer

Movie, 2006

Jean-Paptiste Grenouille
was born on the 17th of July, 1738.

For the first time, Grenouille
realized he had no smell of his own.
He realized that all his life
he had been a nobody to everyone.
What he now felt was the fear of his own oblivion.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Flags of our Fathers (2006)

Movies, 2006

All your friends dying
it's hard not be called a hero
for saving somebody's life.
But for putting up a pole?

They may have fought for their country,
but they died for their friends.
For the man in front,
for the man beside them.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Me, My Sex and I

Documentary, 2011


There are about two dozen different conditions that blur the line
between male and female.
They're known as disorders of sexual development, or DSDs.

Altogether, DSDs occur as frequently as twins or red hair.

Male and female gentials actually grwo from the same tissue.
It's just testosterone that makes them look different.

The initial structure the baby has
can grow a little bit and become a clitoris
or it can be stimulated by testosterone
and grow a lot and become a penis.
The same for what will become the scrotum.
In a girl, the folds of skin will stay as the labia majora,
so the lips of the vagina,
but in a boy, those tissues will grow and fuse and become the scrotum.

-What's the difference between men and women?
Well, most people think that human beings just come in two kinds -
men or women.
But male and female just represents two sides of a broad spectrum of type.
So it's a lot more complex than you might imagine.
-Oh, very good.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

When We Left the Earth - NASA Missions

Documentary - 2008

(6 episodes, 3 parts)

The Soviet Union holds an early lead in the space race,
launching the first unmanned satellite to orbit the Earth.

On October 4, 1957,
when Sputnik went into orbit.

... But, on April 12th
NASA receives stunning news.
The Soviet Union puts a man into orbit and brings him back alive.
Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man in space.

Alan Shepard becomes America's first man in space.

Shepard's sborbital flight reaches 116 miles above the Earth,
then descends.

America is still coming in second in the race for sapce.
And NASA still hasn't fulfilled the primary goal of PROJECTY MERCURY --
launching a man into orbit and bringing him home alive.

As PROJECT MERCURY comes to an end,
PROJECT GEMINI is already preparing to blast off...

The Mercury program was the most challenging
of all the work that we've ever done in space.

I was bullet-proof, invincible, you know
there's nothing i couldn't do, just give me a shot.
Don't tell me i can't do it, 'cause i can do it.
... we've to be little arrogant.

... But nobody at NASA knows that
Soviet cosmonaut has already walked in space.

Gemini 7 flied nearly 6 million miles
in 14 days,
in those two weeks the sun rises and sets
on Lovelland Borman nearly 400 times.


Apollo 8 will be the first manned flight
to leave Earth orbit for deep space.

Saturn 5 is already supersonic.
Well the Saturn 5 is still the most powerful machine
that man has ever devised.
20 tons of fuel a second. 7.5 million pounds of thurst.

Lunar Module
The interesting thing about the lunar module is
that you fly it standing up.
All the gauges, the panels, were set up so we could stand up.

Apollo 11
July 16, 1969
Only (Neil) Armstrong and (Buzz) Aldrin will walk on the moon.

the moon is a three-day journey.

The crew is the tip of the iceberg.
In Apollo 11, there were 400,000 people underneath
that all had to do their job or we weren't gonna make it.
It was a team effort of NASA that got us to the moon.


15 minutes later, Buzz Aldrin is ready
to join Armstrong on the surface of the moon.

Lunar Rover
is a four-wheel-drive two-seater.
It has a top speed of 8 miles per hour.
A magnetic compass won't work on the moon,
so a computer constantly plots a straigt line back to the LEM.
Apollo 16
Johan Yount, Charlie Duke, and Ken Mattingly
blast off into the Florida sky.
Young and Duke use the lunar rover
to explore an area known as the Descartes Mountains.

Apollo 17, Dec 7, 1972 (final lunar launch)

Apollo 17 targets another geologically rich area
of the moon.
But this will be Project Apollo's final lunar landing.
Budget cuts force NASA to scrup three more missoins already scheduled.

Gene Cernan and harrson Schmitt
join an elite fraterity.
Only 12 men have landed on the moon.


Over the next 8 months
skylab is the home to 3 crews,
each setting new records
for astonauts living and working in space.

Skylab is the first step
toward the human habitation of space.

Space Shuttle

McCandless spends more than four hours
flying the jetpack through space.

For the first time,
NASA loses astronauts during a mission.

So We believe they were alive,
But we also believe they were unconscious
when they hit the water.

No shuttle flies for for 2.5 years.

Shuttle flights resume in September 1988.

Kathy Sulivan is the first American woman to walk in space.

Hubble is a pioneering scientific mission,
launching the most powerful telescope ever built.


The Russians had a long history
of long-duration flight under their belt.
We did not.
And so we hoped to learn some of the things from the Russians.
U.S. astronauts must learn to fly their rockets
and worked with totally different space technology.

November 1998,
a Russian rocket blast off with the first section of the space station,
weighing 21 tons.

The sapce station is already near the size of a 10-storey building.

With no sensation of speed in the vacuum of space,
Mike L-A drifts away from the shuttle 250 miles above the Florida Keys.

Throughout 2002, the pace of construction speeds up.

With Ken Bouwersox on the space station,
2003 is scheduled to be the shuttle's busiest year yet.
But first, Columbia flies a special science mission.
Unlike the majority os space-shuttle missions now,
which are space-station assembly
where they're doing essentially heavey construction,
Columbia STS-107 mission was a dedicated science mission.

.. We have booster ignition and lift-off
of space shuttle Columbia with a multitude of national
and international space-research experiments.

It's standard procedure to film every shuttle launch
with high-speed cameras.

We lost seven of our dear friends.
Terrible tragedy that's very hard for me
to go back and relive.
Some people said, "We don't want to risk astronauts' lives.
We need to stop doing this."
The astronauts don't feel that way.
Eileen Collins (Shuttle Astronaut)

We fly for country,
we fly for humanity,
we fly for exploration.
we fly for a variety of reasons.
and we don't stop flying because we have accidents.

When we left Earth,
it changed our world.

Curiosity is the essence of human existence.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Origins of Us (2011)

Documentary, 2011
Dr. Alice Roberts



So really in order to be good runner
you have to be a good strong butt.

So the muscles in my bottom,
your bottom,
and every human bottom on Earth,
have been shaped
by the facts that our ancestors
evolved the body meant to run.

But this running body wasn't built for
more speed.
It evolved to run long distances.
Our ancestors were endurance runners.

In a developed countries say
few hours run on regular basis
its really is remarkable reflect
how much our bodies are shaped by running.

(Our Ancestors) their running wasn't a choice
it wasn't their accretion activity,
it was essential to survival.

4 million sweat pores
3 liter sweat in an hour.

Our long distance runner body
became our secret weapon.

It took nearly 5 million year of evolution
to get from Toumai (7 m yrs) to Nariokotome Boy (1.8 m yrs)
in that time our ancestors had abandoned the forest
for the Savannah.
And it had gone for being four limb climbers to legged runners.

As far as we know
the first stone tool makers
were Homo Habilis
appearing around 2.5 million years ago.

Big powerful thumb we have and don't chimpanzees.
relatively new, 2.5 million years in Homo Habilis.


EP. 2 - GUTS

Recent research suggests
it was cooking, not meat
that fuel the evolution
of our big brains.
It was cooking
that made us human.

Cooked food is much easier to digest than raw.
and this single fact holds the key that why cooking was so important in our evolution.

... Risk taking is almost doubled
when an attractive woman is present.



They say the eyes are the windows to the soul.
And our eyes are unique.

We are the only animals on the planet
which show the whites of their eyes.

We can do something that no any other animal on Earth can do,
we can tell what someone thinking just by looking at their eyes,
we can literally read their minds.

But there's a price to pay having a big brain
giving birth is one of the most painful and dangerous experience
women have to endure.

Humans are the only species that need help to get birth,
our babies heads are so big that it standing like it getting out at all.*

... but compare to the most new born mammals
his brain is relatively immature.
He doesn't have much control over his body, and even less ability to make sense the world around him. It'll be about 8 years before his brain reaches its full size, and it'll around midteen before it properly mature.

(Europeans) share the genes with Neanderthal (by interbreeding)

Human Evolution in glimpse.
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