Sunday, October 23, 2011

Is There Life After Death

Season 2, Episode. 01


Quantum theory claims that every single point in space,
even empty space, can contain information.

This means the information in the micro-tubules
can connect and become entangled
with the universe outside the brain.


If consciousness is a quantum process,
it may solve the mystery of what happens
during near-death experiences.

Let's say the heart stops beating,
the blood stops flowing,
the microtubules lose their quantum state.
But the quantum information which is in the microtubules,
isn't destroyed.
It can't be destroyed.
It just distributes and dissipates
to the Universe at large.
If the patient is resuscitated, revived,
this quantum information can go back into the microtubules,
and the patient says, "I had a near-death experiences,
"I saw white light. I saw a tunnel. I saw my dead relatives.
I may be even floated out of my body."
Now, if they're not revived and the patient dies,
then it's possible that this quantum information
can exist outside the body,
perhaps indefinitely as a soul.

Many scientists find it difficult to believe
that the soul is a quantum computer,
hard-wired into the cosmos.

The simplest definition of consciousness --
that which goes away when you fall into dreamless sleep.
But the fact of the matter is,
the brain doesn't shut off at all.
The neurons, the nerve cells, are actually just as active,
in a sense, as they are when you are awake.
So, it is an interesting scientific question.
How would it be, then,
that you disappear when your brain is still there
and buzzing along?

... Now that Brady is asleep,
we are going to ring the bell again
and see how his brain responds when -- after falling asleep.
Once again, the brain lights up.
But this time, there is no reverberation.
The ring of the bell dies
as quickly as the pulse of magnetism shuts off.

The sleeping brain may be active,
but it has lost the ability to share information
between one part of the brain and another.

Tononi believes this spreading of information
is the key ingredient of consciousness.

In 1907, Dr, Duncan MacDougall determined
that the soul weighs about 3/4 of an ounce,
or 21 grams.
He determined this by weighing the bodies of dying TB patients.

Your body produces 1 billion new cells every hour.
No matter how old you are,
most of you is no more than 10 years old.

Religion tells us that our soul transcend the body.
These are just shells that we walk a around in for a while.
Most scientists don't believe that.
They say that what we call the soul
is a self-aware network of brain connections
that evolved over million of years.

Biology + Technology

"This is a hybrot --
a robot controlled by living brain tissue.
Its brains are in a refrigerator,
but you can see its neurons react on the computer screen
as its body finds its way around the lab bench."

Is the soul nothing more than a network of neural processes,
something that one day can be recreated in a machine?

When you lose consciousness, you lose you soul.
You lose everything.
The world does not exist anymore for you.
Your friends dont exist anymore. You don't exist.
Everything is lost.

... mind or consciousness seems to fucntion without the physical body.

FREEMAN: "Perhaps some things really are too big for humans to grasp.
That's when we have to shift from what we know
to what we believe."


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