Saturday, August 13, 2011

Contact (1997)


based on Carl Sagan's novel.


"You could call me a man of cloth...
without the cloth."

"You see that large W-shaped constellation there?
That's Cassiopeia.
And Cassiopeia A gives off a whole lot of radio signals.
... It's a remnant of a supernova."

"There are four hundred billion stars out there
just in our galaxy alone.
If only one out of a million of those had planets
and if just one out of a million of those had life
and if just one out of a million of those had intelligent life
there would be literally millions of civilizations out there.

- And if there wasn't
it'd be a an awful waste of space.


"20 million people died defeating the son of a bitch (Hitler)
and he's our first ambassador to outer space?

Actually the Hitler broadcasted the first of '36 Olympics the televison transmission
that went into space."

"Occum's Razor is a basic scientific principle and it says:
All thing being equal, the simplest explanation tends to be the right one."

An all-poerful mysterious God created the universe
and then decided not to give any proof of His existence?
or that He doesn't exist at all and we created Him,
so we wouldn't feel so small and alone.

- I don't know.
- I couldn't imagine living in a world where God didn't exist.
- I wouldn't want to.

How do you know you're not deluding yourself?
Ha, for me, I mean, I'd need proff.

- Proof?
- Did you love your father?
- Your dad, did you love him?
Yes, very much.
- Prove it."

"- Can we talk about Einstein?
Yeah Sure.
-Special relativity. This machine...
-if it works, now you travel to Vega at close to the speed of light.
-you come back.
-if you come back.
-you'll be 4 years older, but over 50 years will have passed here on Earth.
Basically yeah."

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