Friday, August 12, 2011


Ancient Aliens
Season 03, Episode 02
History Ch.



Montauk Monster
Montauk, NY,
July 13, 2008

"Certain different species can breed if they re genetically close.
Like the donkey and the horse. Like the wolf and the dog.
However, cats and dogs will not mate because,
first of all they don't have the biochemical signatures to mate with eachother,
and plus their genes are so different that the chromosomes just won't line up properly to reproduce.
It's impossible."

epicenter of Atomic bomb, 4000 years ago.

"According to the ancient Hindu texts, after the carnage Mohan Jo Daro,
fearsome of flying monster appeared in the sky, it was called Garuda."

"We cannot know the answer, but we do know that within India and Pakistan
there are known zones of higher radiation than there are normal."

"Garuda was considered a snake killer.
In fact, Garuda needed to eat snakes in order to survive.
Now compare an airplane at the airport today hooked up to fuel line.
Isn't that airplane eating snakes?"





"Jonah was swallowed by some fish but a technological device that was made of metal."
"because in some references, we can rad that the ribs of that whale were made out of gleaming bronze."

Cerberus - 3 headed dog
Homer's Odyssey

Naga - human headed snake

"In 1970, scientist from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
led by doctor Robert J. White performed the highly controversial operation.
Transplanting the head of one monkey onto the body of another."

"It was essentially a brain transplant by taking a whole head.
He was able to resort consciousness to the head of the monkey
who had been transplanted and kept it alive for approx. 3 days."

"Even in our stage on Earth we have ability to transplant one head
onto another creature. Now, that certainly argues to the possibility at the very sanities. like the Minotaur, the Hydra, and even the Griffin.
could be created by advanced transplantology."

1849, British archaeologist Austen Henry Layard uncovered numerous Sumerian clay tablets inscribed with cuneiform script dating 4000 BC.Based on interpretations of the tablets, ancient astronaut theorists
believe an advanced race of intelligent beings arrived on Earth
450,000 years ago, during the age of Neanderthals, and through genetic engineering, they created Homo Sapiens.


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