Season 2
tags: Portal, Gateway, Wormhole, Teleportation,
Bermuda Triangle, Zona Del Silincio: Mexico, Gate of the Gods: Peru, Markawasi: Peru,
"It's quite possible that the Bermuda Tirangle is exactly one such
interdimensional doorway that's used by these aliens. (a wormhole)
Zona Del Silincio
"400 miles south, El Paso, Texas in northern Mexico, stretches a remote and rugged section of high desert.
This area near the town Ceballos, is referred to by the locals as the Zona Del Silincio, or the Zone of Silence.
Nothing works there, if yo go there with your cellphone, the cell phone stops.
If you go with a radio, it stops. If you go there with a compass, the needle just keeps spinning.
Strange rocks, strange mutated animals living in the desert in this area. You feel a strange tingling when you are there."
They call it Mexic's Bermuda Triangle.
It's located practically on the same parallel- the 28th and 26th parallel -
and as a result of that, it goes and connects with the Egyptian pyramids,
so, around the whole sector, there seems to be some connection between the Zone and anomalies that occur through these different parts of the world. (this paralles passes also from northern Sindh)
Gate of Gods
"800 miles southeast of Lima, Peru, near the shores of Lake Titicaca, is a site that has mystified visitors from around the world..
It is known as Puerta de Hayu Marca, or "Gate of the Gods."s
"At the Max Plank Institute, Scientists havealready dematerialized subatomic particles and made them reappear somewhere else, so science is just on the precipice of being ablt to do this -- to move it from one place to another."
Markawasi: Peru
Markawasi is said to have had vert bizzare energy.
The Local people say it is a plce of the wizards, and gods and genies of old and they treat it with a great deal of veneration.
"Some consider Markawasi to be a massive sculpture garden.."
tags: Greek gods, Roman gods, Carnac Stones, Norse gods, daughters of men mating with gods,
Giants: Nevada, Goliath,
"Apollo first was the teacher of the young Greeks living there.
He teach them how to make buildings on the mountain, on the hillside.
He teach them how to make roads.
He teach them astronomy." Ven Denikan
northwest cost of France, just South of Brittany.
3000 megalithic stones are placed in rows over two miles long.
erected between 4500 to 2500 BC, at the end of the Stone Age.
They are the largest collection of standing stones in the world.
The distances of the lines are always the same.. 2860 meters.(9383ft)
or exactly the half of 2860 m. (4691ft)
The angles are always the same. IT'S PYTHAGOREAN TRIANGLES.
Its all gigantic geometrical pattern. from Stone Age, which is impossible.
Our Stone Age people had no idea of Pythagoras' triangles.
Pythagoras was about 420 BC.
""Star=child" is often used reference in ancient texts when a woman had a quote unquote "divine interaction" with one of the gods, often resulting in a woman being pregnant without having slept with anyone.
You know, is such a thing even possible?
Yes, it is.
Today, artificial insemination.
That's what happens today.
you no longer have to have sex in order to have babies.
WE have the exact same description thousands of years ago, where woman withoug sleeping with anyone, all of a sudden became pregnant."
tags: Atlantis, Yunaguna: Japan, Dragon's Triangle: south of Japan, Dogu: Japan (ancient astronaut), Kachina: Hopi (ancient astronaut), Khambhat: nortwest of India, Dwaraka: India, Andes mountains Peru: Lake titicaa: the highest navigable body of water in the world, Wanaku
"Scientific theory suggests that during Earth's last Ice Age, ocean levels were once much lower than they are today.
You have to envisage a world in which there are two mile-deep ice caps sitting on top of northern Europe and North America, in which are accumulated enormous quantities of water.
And we know this water began to melt about 21000 years ago, and finished melting about 10000 years ago.
As a result, rich coastal lands were slowly submerged by rising sea levels.
Ten million square miles of land was flooded all around the world.
That's roughly the size of Europe and China added together...
were just rubbed from the record.
They just disappear from the story."
"In ancient Greece, we have a number of myths, which describe islands - bronze gleaming islands - that fell from the sky and landed in water.
Atlantis according to Plato disappeared in one night with a lot of fire and lot of smoke.
See i don't think that Atlantis sank. i think Atlantis lifted off." Giorgio A Tsoukalos
"Just south of Japan, you have a mysterious area called the Dragons' Triangle, which is very similar to the Bermuda Triangle, because you planes that have disappeared from the air, ships that have disappeared from the the ocean. In fact, Japan had declared this a disaster area."25th Parallel
"Is it coincidence that Earth's 25th parallel north cuts through both the Bermuda Triangle and the Dragon's Triangle?[plus: Zone of Silence: Mexico, Egypt Pyramids, Kabatullah: Medina, Mohan jo Daro: Sindh Pakistan]
tags: DERINKUYU: CAPPADOCIA: CENTRAL TURKEY ZOROSTRIAN GOD: AHURA MAZDA, TAYOS: Mysterious Ecuadorian Cave, tribe Shuar, Father Crespi, Metallic Library Lords of Xibalba,
"Derinkuyu was built out of fear of an aerial enemy, because if something flies over you very very fast, you can't see the ventilation shafts.
Some suggest 30,000 people used to live underground at Derinkuyu."
"But according to mainstream geology, beneath the pole and the arctic ocean lies the Earth's mostly rocky crust, up to 30 miles thick.
Below this is molten rock, heated by the planet's spinning core, with a solid center of iron and nickel the size of the moon."
tags: Germany, Hitler, WW2, Swastika, Germany Technology, Atomic Bomb
[did Germany used technology given by aliens, were German officers aliens themselves?]
"A fish does not swim, it is swum.
A bird does not fly, it is flown."
"Hitler was obsessed with ancient mythology, he was obsessed with a occult, and more importantly he was obsessed with trying to gain knowledge, that he believed he could muster before anybody else could. so he spent an inordinate amount of time, energy and money all over the planet to try to get information about things that would give Germany an upper hand.
"They (Nazis) believed that Aryans ascended from a race of ETs and these ETs imbued this Aryan race with tremendous power and meant for them to be the master race on earth."
"Hitler was obsessed with trying to find the Ark of Covenant."Moen Jo Daro, Harappa, Kot Diji
"Deformed skeletons and vitrified stone at Mohen jo Daro Pakistan.
Radioactive ash covering the ancient city of Harappa, India.
And the biblical cities Sodom and gomorrah.
According to the ancient astronaut theory, the first atomic blast may not have
occurred during the 1940s, but thousands of years earlier.
What they found in these cities - Mohanjo Daro, Harappa, Kot Diji, others these Harappan cities - they found people just lying dead in streets.
It was like some doom had just taken over these cities.DAVID CHILDRESS
"But as the war neared its end, what happened to the German scientists?
Well it's known many ended up in the US, just what secrets did they bring with them?
"After the war in Europe, many leading Nazi party members disappeared.. some never to be found.
ACOUSTIC DEVICE OR L-RAD (Soor Qayamt sound)
"manufactured by the lrad corporation, this sonic device can, when focused on a target,
produce a piercing sound that can exceed 150 decibels.- enough to cause temporary blindness, nausea and permanent hearing loss."
Jericho: a city's walls were broken by sound.
Mycenae; Greece, Cyclopes
Stone Levitation by acoustic or anti-gravity device.
Merlin Wizard
"What the local legend of stonehenge talks about is that
those big stones transported by way of levitation by none other than
Merlin the wizard.
And he had a magical rod with which he pointed at stones,
and they would levitate and position into place.
it's a very fascinating story, because we know that some of these stones
have been transported there from as far away as 200 miles.
NAURA: flying saucer made by humans.
ANCIENT ROCKETS, fire, smoke, trembling of land.
"This is generally considered to be the first working steam engine.
1st Century AD.
The name of hero's steam rocket engine, "Aeolipile," translates to "the ball of Aeolus.
In Greek mythology, Aeolus was the God of the winds."
"Probably the most famous ancient deathray was the one that was built by the Greek inventor Archimedes. He was able to create this giant mirror and parabolic disc, and focus the sun's rays on the fleet asn set these ships on fire."
northern Scotland: Lugh, vitrification.
Mount Sodom, Israel:
A pillar of rock salt known as Lot's wife, overlooks the southwestern part of dead sea,
near the presumed location of the biblical cities of sodom and gomorrah.
Angels Wings or Jet Pack
Majalis al Jinn: Oman
one of the World's ten largest caves.Ultra-Terrestrials = or Jinns
Mount Hermon and Roswell NM.
"Mount Hermon, high above the holy land.
At 9230 feet, this mysterious mountain straddles the borders of
Lebanon, Syrian and israel."
Sitting above the golan heights.
Mount Hermon has been contested ground among Christian, Hebrew, and Islamic faithful for thousands of years.
According to the synoptic gospels, mount Hermon is the
location of the transfiguration
of Jesus, an event in which Jesus was transformed into a radiant, altered state and was
seen to be conversing with Moses, and the prophet Elijah.
Mount Hermon is also the site where the 200 'fallen angels' descended to earth in the book of Enoch.
33 latitudinal line: Mount Hermon, Roswell, NM.
in numerology number 33 represents the ultimate attainment of consciousness."
Gobekly Tepe: Turkey
12,000 years old
gigantic civilization.
Sacsayhuaman, Inca, cuzco, Peru
Virococha, alien south american god.
"Throughout tiem there has been witness to a god named Virococha that visited the south american people and blessed them and gave them all types of technology."
"a rule of thumb is it takes about 10 to 20 men to move one-ton rock."
3000 massive rocks, 2 miles.
Pythagorian Theorem
CARAHUNGE (Armenian Stonghenge), Armenia
7500 years old
85 stones with holes. (Telescope?)
CYGNUS, constellation.
(aliens): "hey, nudge nudge this where we came from."
Mainstream scientists have calculated that the earth's axis slowly changes or wobbles,
over 26,000 year period.
But there are other researchers who believe these shifts happen more suddenly and dramatically.
They claim when these events occur, they cause major climate changes...
Miami, Florida, Coral Castle, ed Leedskalnin,
He knew the secret of Egypt's pyramids.
Maya Calender, 21/12/2012
"In April 2006, Mayanist scholar David Stuart deciphered inscriptions that were found on what's known as Monument 6.
Researchers believe that the translated text provides further proof that the Mayas' Long Count calendar will end on December 21, 2012.
Scholars agree upon one date when the calendar allegedly started, and that was the 11th of August, 3114 BC.
In 3114 BC, the Maya did not even exist, so what compelled them to start their calender in 3114 BC?
According to the Chilam Balam book, which is the book of the Jaguar Priests, at that time, the road to the stars descended from the sky, and the 13 and 9 gods came to Earth.
Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947.
The Toba supervolcano, Indonesia.
75000 years ago, this massive colcanic lake erupted,
triggering a major climate change that nearly obliterated mankind.News: Enormous number of UFO sightings before Tsunami in Southeast Asia.India Daily, December 31, 2004
TSOUKALOS: "There is this book of prophesies which is very rare book, and in there are some type of descriptions that could indicate some type of an extraterrestrial visitaion.
There are references in which Da Vinci himself says that he's had these encounters these visions of God and angels."
"In our development, all of a sudden we've made a quantum leap,
where we were sitting in caves munching on bananas, and the
next thing we do is we're building pyramids, virtually overnight."
J. ROBERT OPPNHEIMER, whose research in the field of theoretical physics resulted in the development of atomic weapons.
WERNER VON BRAUN, whose innovations in advanced rocket technology led to the modern day space program.
NIKOLA TESLA, whose experiments with electricity let to everything from satellite technology and robotics to what some would term a 'death ray.'
The Tesla death ray, Tesla said, could annihilate an army of 100,000 soldiers at once, and could melt an aircraf engine from 250 miles away.
We are the only one who came out of the family tree with culture.
Why? Evolution says by coincidence. We have adapted as best.
I say no. it was an artificial mutation made out of the family tree.Erich Von Danikan
And the ancient astronaut theory suggests that this is a direct result of extraterrestrials tampering with our DNA.
Miscellaneous Thoughts -- Check the Dynamc View of this blog
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Ancient Aliens,
Dragons Triangle,
Mohan jo Daro,
Sex in the Bible
Sex in the Bible
There is so much sex in bible because there's so much sex in life.
Bible: a good book of love.
4000 years ago fertility was everything.
And until recent time the women and babies often died in child birth.
The bible says nothing about masturbation.
... It is not the issue to the word of God, it is something God just leave to individual.
The Hebrew Bible treat sex as a blessing, but it is not blind to its violent and distractive misuse.
Sex is good gift for marital relations, but we can corrupted. and we very often do.
Lot has been punished for his willingness offer his daughters to stingers.
Entire book of bible calld Song of Songs is devoted to the joy of sex.
Pythagoras, Plato, Alexander the Great, they all are said to be the products of virgin birth.
Mary conceives the son of god, but not through sex.
Hebrew Bible prophecies that the Messiah will come from the line of David, ...
5 women are mentioned. ...
Jesus fore-mothers include Tamar, who dressed as a prostitute to seduce his father in law, Rehab the harlot who helped the Israelite to conquer Jericho, Ruth who craft beguiled his dead husband kinsman Boaz into her bed, Beth Sheba who had adultery with King David, and Mary of Nazareth an unmarried pregnant virgin.
Bible forbids all sort of sexual relations outside of marital relation.
It forbids fornication, it forbids adultry, homosexuality, bestiality, incest.
Roman law permitted polygamy, divorce, and prostitution both female and male.
Tradition allowed for the carnal union between men and boys.
The sexual use of slaves, and sacrifice of unwanted infants through the abortion and infanticide.
There is so much sex in bible because there's so much sex in life.
Bible: a good book of love.
4000 years ago fertility was everything.
And until recent time the women and babies often died in child birth.
The bible says nothing about masturbation.
... It is not the issue to the word of God, it is something God just leave to individual.
The Hebrew Bible treat sex as a blessing, but it is not blind to its violent and distractive misuse.
Sex is good gift for marital relations, but we can corrupted. and we very often do.
Lot has been punished for his willingness offer his daughters to stingers.
Entire book of bible calld Song of Songs is devoted to the joy of sex.
Pythagoras, Plato, Alexander the Great, they all are said to be the products of virgin birth.
Mary conceives the son of god, but not through sex.
Hebrew Bible prophecies that the Messiah will come from the line of David, ...
5 women are mentioned. ...
Jesus fore-mothers include Tamar, who dressed as a prostitute to seduce his father in law, Rehab the harlot who helped the Israelite to conquer Jericho, Ruth who craft beguiled his dead husband kinsman Boaz into her bed, Beth Sheba who had adultery with King David, and Mary of Nazareth an unmarried pregnant virgin.
Bible forbids all sort of sexual relations outside of marital relation.
It forbids fornication, it forbids adultry, homosexuality, bestiality, incest.
Roman law permitted polygamy, divorce, and prostitution both female and male.
Tradition allowed for the carnal union between men and boys.
The sexual use of slaves, and sacrifice of unwanted infants through the abortion and infanticide.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Season 1 (2010)
tags: Gigantic Peru Lines and Figures, Enoch, Ancient Flying Machines, Mexican Pyramids, Egyptian Pyramids, Lord Pakal, Ancient Map, Islands and Guardians: Easter Island, Tiwanaku, Puma Punku (Bolivia), Cuzko. Computers, Bulbs, Baghdad Batteries,
"Research studies done y NASA in the 1960s and 1970s
established that human life could be sustined for extended periods of time
by consuming chlorella algae and nothing else.
If it's possible for astronauts to survive on algae,
could the Israelites have done the same?
"At a height of 471 feet, the Great Pyramid stood as the tallest structure in the world
until the completion of the Eiffel Tower in 1889."
"Of all the ancient structures located around the world,
perhaps none is more mysterious or as enuring as the Great Pyramid at Giza.
But while other pyramids and temples contain walls filled with hieroglyphics
describing their purpose,
the Great Pyramid lacks even a SINGLE MARKING.
What was its funcion?
Why was it built?
And what secrets reamin hidden inside?
Noboyd hs been able to explain the interior design of this pyramid.
It simply deosn't make sense, according to our logic.
You have narrow tunnels that you have to crouch.
You emerge in grand galleries that are nine meters high.
You have to ship the granite by barges 600 miles away.
It's an anonymous site.
Not a single inscription.
Not a single hieroglyph.
Not a sigle anything.
It's just there.
Egyptologists beleive that the pyramids were built to bury the dead pharoah.
The problem with the accepted view is the fact that not a sigle dead pharaoh's body has been found inside a pyramid,
even when the pyramid was completely sealed, i.e not a single grave robber could have entered it.
The Egyptologists say it's to conceal the body.
Well, why advertise it?
I mean, there's nothing more visible than a pyramid for miles."
Season 1 (2010)
tags: Gigantic Peru Lines and Figures, Enoch, Ancient Flying Machines, Mexican Pyramids, Egyptian Pyramids, Lord Pakal, Ancient Map, Islands and Guardians: Easter Island, Tiwanaku, Puma Punku (Bolivia), Cuzko. Computers, Bulbs, Baghdad Batteries,
Columbian Ancient Airplane Artifacts.
"Why can't modern society can come to grips that these stories might be true after all."
"The Great Pyramid was not build in only 22 years,
because logistically speaking,
you would have to cut transport, and put in to place one stone
every 9 seconds."
"In 1877 ...
The Great Pyramid resides in the intersection of the longest line of latituede
and the longest line of longitude, the exact center of all the land mass in the world.
Also each of its four sideds aligns almost precisely with the four points of compass.
Though such an instrument wasn't even design in the thousand of years later."
Central Mexico, City of Gods, located in the center, Pyramid of the Sun
"Incredibility this pyramid parameter is virtually the SAME is that of the Great Pyramid of Giesa. Structurally coincidence OR could it be that both were inspired by the same designers."
"Civilization such as the Aztacs, and the Mayans, and the Hopi Indian in the north Arizona,
they believed that the world has been destroyed four times in the past,
one time by ice, once by fire, once by waters,
each time mankind rebuilds again."
David Childress
author, Technology of the Gods.
(Mayan Pyramids and Stonehenge Alignement shows)
"It was the known fact back then already,
that the Sun was at the center or our solar system,
which "Western science" didn't find out until much, much later."
"Built between the 7th and 9th centuries,
the stone temples of Tikal,
towered more than 2500 ft of Guatemala rain forest.
Tikal is home to one of the largest excavation sites in the world,
when with thousands of structures still remains buried beneath the jungle.
According to most scientists, Tikal's Pyramids played an essential part
in helping the Mayans advice their calendar.
perfectly the layout of Tikal's pyramids
correlate the the star map of the pleyiades Orion region of the sky.
An overhead view of the structures,
almost exactly mirrors the alignment of the constellation.
This same outline has been spotted in an area,
far from Tikal, much much farther.
Recently discovered on the Mars.
It's a cluster of land forms that offers a near perfect replication,
of the pyramid pattern of Tikal.
Three distinct locations. one unique pattern."
2010: Ancient Aerodynamic Machines, Airports, Ancient Buildings, Builders.
tags: saqqara wooden bird, columbian jet fighter models, Indian rukma vimana, kebra nagast, enoch, egypt pyramids, puma punku, sacsayhuman, machu pichhu, the great pyramid, giza
SAQQARA, EGYPT, located roughly 20 miles south of Cairo.
pyramid of King Djoser, 4000 years, it is the oldest of Egypt's 97 pyramids.
COLUMBIA JUNGLE, Magdalena River, 1500 years ago.
Pre-Colombian civilization Tolima.
Perfect: Golden Figurine of Fighter Jets.
Rukma Vimana,
Vyamaanika Shastra (book of Vimana)
"According to The Kebra Nagast a holy book of the Ethiopians
written sometime before the 2nd century AD.
The Queen of Sheeba was once given a gift of a flying carpet
by King Solomon of Israel."
Enoch and Flying Machine, wheel into wheel powered by angels.
When asked a 40 years experience professional engineer to replicate the puma punku stones, he said:
"Lets put it this way -- I had a client come in and askme to do that, I would'nt do it for any amount of money
because i'm not going to waste my life trying to replicate that."
SAQQARA, EGYPT, located roughly 20 miles south of Cairo.
pyramid of King Djoser, 4000 years, it is the oldest of Egypt's 97 pyramids.
COLUMBIA JUNGLE, Magdalena River, 1500 years ago.
Pre-Colombian civilization Tolima.
Perfect: Golden Figurine of Fighter Jets.
Rukma Vimana,
Vyamaanika Shastra (book of Vimana)
"According to The Kebra Nagast a holy book of the Ethiopians
written sometime before the 2nd century AD.
The Queen of Sheeba was once given a gift of a flying carpet
by King Solomon of Israel."
Enoch and Flying Machine, wheel into wheel powered by angels.
When asked a 40 years experience professional engineer to replicate the puma punku stones, he said:
"Lets put it this way -- I had a client come in and askme to do that, I would'nt do it for any amount of money
because i'm not going to waste my life trying to replicate that."
"Research studies done y NASA in the 1960s and 1970s
established that human life could be sustined for extended periods of time
by consuming chlorella algae and nothing else.
If it's possible for astronauts to survive on algae,
could the Israelites have done the same?
"At a height of 471 feet, the Great Pyramid stood as the tallest structure in the world
until the completion of the Eiffel Tower in 1889."
"Of all the ancient structures located around the world,
perhaps none is more mysterious or as enuring as the Great Pyramid at Giza.
But while other pyramids and temples contain walls filled with hieroglyphics
describing their purpose,
the Great Pyramid lacks even a SINGLE MARKING.
What was its funcion?
Why was it built?
And what secrets reamin hidden inside?
Noboyd hs been able to explain the interior design of this pyramid.
It simply deosn't make sense, according to our logic.
You have narrow tunnels that you have to crouch.
You emerge in grand galleries that are nine meters high.
You have to ship the granite by barges 600 miles away.
It's an anonymous site.
Not a single inscription.
Not a single hieroglyph.
Not a sigle anything.
It's just there.
Egyptologists beleive that the pyramids were built to bury the dead pharoah.
The problem with the accepted view is the fact that not a sigle dead pharaoh's body has been found inside a pyramid,
even when the pyramid was completely sealed, i.e not a single grave robber could have entered it.
The Egyptologists say it's to conceal the body.
Well, why advertise it?
I mean, there's nothing more visible than a pyramid for miles."
Ancient Visitors, their Appearance, their Purpose
tags: Elongated Skulls, phraoah Akhenatan, Dogon: African Tribe, Sirius B,
Zuni: 30 miles south of Gallup New Mexico,
Huang Di, Babylonian Annunaki, Greek gods, Astronaut Suit,
Mars, Life on Earth begain in Outer Space, We Seed of Aliens,
Roswell, New Mexico.
"This sleepy town in America's
Southwest was once best known
for its large military air base.
But that changed in 1947
when a localancher reported
that a spaceship crashed
on his property.
Several weeks later, the U.S.
Army issued a press release
confirming the existence of an
alien craft."
"The average person in the ancient world had way more knowledge of what's going on in the skies than a lot of well-educated people today."
"In 1907, the actual body of Akhenatan was discovered in Egypt's Valley of the Kings by a British archeologist named Edward Ayrton.
After unearthing Akhenaten's mummified remains, he was able to confirm that, indeed,
the ancient pharoah's skull was misshapen and elongated.
Akhenaten was succeeded by his son, Tutankhamen, who became the most renowned pharaoh of all time.
When his tomb was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter,
Tutankhamen was also found to have an elongated skull.
Could he have inherited alien genes from his father?"
"We have to remind ourselves that our ancestors very highly intelligent.
However, their technological frame of reference was different than
our technological frame of reference, so they didn't have
the vocabulary with which to describe or with which to name
certain things that they saw.
So what they did do?
They used words that they were familiar with in their time and
so they tried to describe whatever they witnessed to the best
of their abilities with their vocabulary.
"According to Chinese mythology dating back to 3000 BC, when the
god named Huang Di was born, there was "a radiance from the great star Chi."
Huang Di wuold later emerge from the belly of a fire-breathing dragon to become China's first emperor.
Huang Di brought order to the chaos, creating China's first empire.
He is seen as a cultural hero, and is credited with the invention of the compass,
acupuncture, and the standardization of Chinese writing.
One of his greats legacies is the Great Wall of China.
When the land is prosperous, he decided it's time to go,
and the great yellow dragon comes back and he gets back into the belly of the dragon and flies off forever.
Now, were these dragons truly dragons in a biological nature?
Or were they misinterpreted types of machines?
Because, as we all know, dragons are always correlated with SPEWING FIRE and lot of smoke.
Whenever we see a modern rocket take off, there is all this smoke, and sometimes the smoke is yellow and sometimes it's red."
"On March 18, 1965, Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov stepped outside the Voskhod 2
and became the first human to walk in space.
He spent 12 minutes and eight seconds outside his ship before returning.
Leonov's survival depended upon a protective suit that could keep him alive where there was neither atmospheric pressure nor oxygen."
"In August 1996, a team of scientist made a stunning announcement.
A Martian meteorite found in Antarctica contained evidence of fossilized life.
The four pound rock, designated ALH 84001, showed the presence of
corbonate globules excreted by microbes when the were alive on Marx
3.6 billion years ago."
"In 2003, the US Government announced that the Human Genome Project
had identified all of the nearly 25,000 genes in the human body.
.. Each human genome, that is the one that we get from our father,
or the one that we get from our mother, has 3 billion letters.. components.
The DNA is almost deciphered, yet we only understand 5% of the information it carries.
... and that 95% of that genetic material that we have in our bodies is nothing more than what they refer to as "genetic junk."
It's recently been established that DNA is a recording medium
of almost limitless power.
It would be technically possible to record the entire knowledge
of a civilization on the DNA in our bodies.
It could well be that ancient astronauts might not be creatures from other planets at all,
but time travelers from 2720 in a time machine.
But the one thing i truly do not believe is that modern cavemen at the time basically created all this knowledge out of thin air. NOORY
Zuni: 30 miles south of Gallup New Mexico,
Huang Di, Babylonian Annunaki, Greek gods, Astronaut Suit,
Mars, Life on Earth begain in Outer Space, We Seed of Aliens,
Roswell, New Mexico.
"This sleepy town in America's
Southwest was once best known
for its large military air base.
But that changed in 1947
when a localancher reported
that a spaceship crashed
on his property.
Several weeks later, the U.S.
Army issued a press release
confirming the existence of an
alien craft."
"The average person in the ancient world had way more knowledge of what's going on in the skies than a lot of well-educated people today."
"In 1907, the actual body of Akhenatan was discovered in Egypt's Valley of the Kings by a British archeologist named Edward Ayrton.
After unearthing Akhenaten's mummified remains, he was able to confirm that, indeed,
the ancient pharoah's skull was misshapen and elongated.
Akhenaten was succeeded by his son, Tutankhamen, who became the most renowned pharaoh of all time.
When his tomb was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter,
Tutankhamen was also found to have an elongated skull.
Could he have inherited alien genes from his father?"
"We have to remind ourselves that our ancestors very highly intelligent.
However, their technological frame of reference was different than
our technological frame of reference, so they didn't have
the vocabulary with which to describe or with which to name
certain things that they saw.
So what they did do?
They used words that they were familiar with in their time and
so they tried to describe whatever they witnessed to the best
of their abilities with their vocabulary.
"According to Chinese mythology dating back to 3000 BC, when the
god named Huang Di was born, there was "a radiance from the great star Chi."
Huang Di wuold later emerge from the belly of a fire-breathing dragon to become China's first emperor.
Huang Di brought order to the chaos, creating China's first empire.
He is seen as a cultural hero, and is credited with the invention of the compass,
acupuncture, and the standardization of Chinese writing.
One of his greats legacies is the Great Wall of China.
When the land is prosperous, he decided it's time to go,
and the great yellow dragon comes back and he gets back into the belly of the dragon and flies off forever.
Now, were these dragons truly dragons in a biological nature?
Or were they misinterpreted types of machines?
Because, as we all know, dragons are always correlated with SPEWING FIRE and lot of smoke.
Whenever we see a modern rocket take off, there is all this smoke, and sometimes the smoke is yellow and sometimes it's red."
"On March 18, 1965, Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov stepped outside the Voskhod 2
and became the first human to walk in space.
He spent 12 minutes and eight seconds outside his ship before returning.
Leonov's survival depended upon a protective suit that could keep him alive where there was neither atmospheric pressure nor oxygen."
"In August 1996, a team of scientist made a stunning announcement.
A Martian meteorite found in Antarctica contained evidence of fossilized life.
The four pound rock, designated ALH 84001, showed the presence of
corbonate globules excreted by microbes when the were alive on Marx
3.6 billion years ago."
"In 2003, the US Government announced that the Human Genome Project
had identified all of the nearly 25,000 genes in the human body.
.. Each human genome, that is the one that we get from our father,
or the one that we get from our mother, has 3 billion letters.. components.
The DNA is almost deciphered, yet we only understand 5% of the information it carries.
... and that 95% of that genetic material that we have in our bodies is nothing more than what they refer to as "genetic junk."
It's recently been established that DNA is a recording medium
of almost limitless power.
It would be technically possible to record the entire knowledge
of a civilization on the DNA in our bodies.
It could well be that ancient astronauts might not be creatures from other planets at all,
but time travelers from 2720 in a time machine.
But the one thing i truly do not believe is that modern cavemen at the time basically created all this knowledge out of thin air. NOORY
Aleins Ultimate Mission at Earth
tags: Gold, Snippy's death mystery, mating with earth's women, Cholula Pyramid, Crop Circles, Mayan 13 Crystal Skulls, Band of Holes at Peru, Zoo hypothesis, jungle Hypothesis,
Moon: spaceship of aliens.
"According to Ancient Astronaut Theory
aliens may have come to Earth for many reasons: to excavate (gold), to breed, to conquer, or simply to explore."
"Gold actually reflect infrared light.
infrared is basically light that's not quite red, and so you
don't see it, but we interact with it as heat.
The radiation will interact with your molecules and make them vibrate faster and you'll feel
that as heat, so ti makes a great heat shield, partly because it's so malleable
you can make it very thin; it's easy to work with and it has great properties for reflecting and heat protection."
"Peru has long been known as 'the land of gold.'
Also located in Peru are the world famous Nazca lines."
BAND OF HOLES: "located in the Pisco Valley, Peru, is a complete mystery.
3 ft apart, 6-7 ft depth and number in the thousands."
"In fact, scientists estimate that 97% of all the species
that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct.
Most scientists today wll tell us that there have
been six major extinction events that have occurred during the history of life on earth.
The most recent of these extinction events was the one
that occurred 65 million years ago and wiped out the dinosaurs.
542 m years ago
435 m yrs ago
375 m yrs ago
250 m yrs ago
198 m yrs ago
65 m yrs ago.
"In Genesis 6, where it talks about these watchers
that are kind of angels that came down from heaven and
had sex with women of the earth."
"According to scholars, the (Mayan) calendar started on August 11, 3114 BC
The first calendar cycle ends about 5000 years later
on December 21st, 2012."
"The Mayan elders believed that, in ancient times, 13 crystal skulls were buried in secret places around the world.
7 have been found."
"NASA says that the moon is apparently hollow.
During the Apollo missions, the command module crashed into the moon.
And the moon rang like a bell for hours."
Moon: spaceship of aliens.
"According to Ancient Astronaut Theory
aliens may have come to Earth for many reasons: to excavate (gold), to breed, to conquer, or simply to explore."
"Gold actually reflect infrared light.
infrared is basically light that's not quite red, and so you
don't see it, but we interact with it as heat.
The radiation will interact with your molecules and make them vibrate faster and you'll feel
that as heat, so ti makes a great heat shield, partly because it's so malleable
you can make it very thin; it's easy to work with and it has great properties for reflecting and heat protection."
"Peru has long been known as 'the land of gold.'
Also located in Peru are the world famous Nazca lines."
BAND OF HOLES: "located in the Pisco Valley, Peru, is a complete mystery.
3 ft apart, 6-7 ft depth and number in the thousands."
"In fact, scientists estimate that 97% of all the species
that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct.
Most scientists today wll tell us that there have
been six major extinction events that have occurred during the history of life on earth.
The most recent of these extinction events was the one
that occurred 65 million years ago and wiped out the dinosaurs.
542 m years ago
435 m yrs ago
375 m yrs ago
250 m yrs ago
198 m yrs ago
65 m yrs ago.
"In Genesis 6, where it talks about these watchers
that are kind of angels that came down from heaven and
had sex with women of the earth."
"According to scholars, the (Mayan) calendar started on August 11, 3114 BC
The first calendar cycle ends about 5000 years later
on December 21st, 2012."
"The Mayan elders believed that, in ancient times, 13 crystal skulls were buried in secret places around the world.
7 have been found."
"NASA says that the moon is apparently hollow.
During the Apollo missions, the command module crashed into the moon.
And the moon rang like a bell for hours."
encounters in past history and medieval period
tags: Mohan Jo Daro, Ancient Sightings, Lut, Noah, Jesus, Medieval Period, Black Plague, Columbus, Nuremberg Sightings: Germany April 14, 1561, Chaco Canyon, Money Pit: Oak Island north-eastern Canada: Place of Ark of Cevenant,
"I remember the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita,
"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." Dr. Robert Oppenheirmer (creater of atomic bomb)
"But if The Mahabharata is based on fact, wouldn't archaelogists have uncovered physical or radiological evidence? (about ancient atomic bombs as mentioned in mahabharata)
According to ancient astronaut theorists, they have.
The Indus Valley, Southern Pakistan.
In 1922, an officer with an Indian acheological sruvey group discovered the ruin of an ancient city known as Mohanjo-Daro.
According to mainstream archeologists, the city, whose name means 'mound of the dead',
had florished between 2600 and 1900 BC.
However the scientists in Pakistan have suggested Mohanjo Daro is much older.
Mainstream archeologists believe the city was abandoned as a result of climatic changes or possibly a decrease in trade.
But when the ruins of Mohenjo Daro were discovered in the 1920s, 44 skeletion were found lying face down in the street, many holding hands. Their faces and body positioning suggested they suffered a sudden, violent death.
You have a culture of people who literally were lying dead in the street.
Archaelogists have found human remains, and something big happened to these people (Philip Coppens)
What, in fact, did happen to the people of Mohenjo Daro?
Why is there evidence that wild animals avoided scavengin their remains?
And why, even after thousands of years, had their bones not decayed?
When, all of the a sudden, you have higher levels of radiation in certain areas of the world,
the question arises "Why"?
Is it possible that Mohenjo Daro was one of the cities mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita-- a city that suffered the equivalent of a sudden atomic attack?
In his 1979 book, Atomic Destruction in 2000 BC.
British researcher David Davenport claimed to have found a 50-yard=wide epicenter.
at Mohen jo Daro where everything appeared to have been fused through a transformative process known as 'vitrification.'
Vitrification is a process in which regular-type stone gets molten into a magma state and then it hardens again. But once the stone is hardened again, it feels like glass.
At Mohenjo Daro we find evidence of vitrification, which could have only been achieved if the material was exposed to extreme heat by some type of a blast."
"Noah's Ark was DNA bank."
"In 2008, on the Arctic island of Svalbard, a vault was built to store the seeds of hundreds of thousands of plants in the event of a global catastrophe."
"What did Columbus' men see?
What they saw was a luminous object, that upon breaking the water's surface, becamea UFO.
What's intriguing is that this was in what we call today the Bermuda Triangle."
"There's no running water there. Thare was no reason to live there. There's no good soil.
They did that because their guardian told them to live there.
During the times of summer and winter solstices, as well as the spring and fall equinoxes,
the people at Chaco Canyon could gauge the Earth's balance by watching the path of the sun daggers at Fajada Butte.
If the daggers did not peirce the petroglyphs at the same points as the previous year,
they would know that the Earth was out of balance.
And since the Earth fell out of balance at the end of the previous three worlds,
this could mean the end was coming once again."
"Scientists from NASA determined the earthquake that hit Chile on February 27, 2010
shifted the Earth's axis by three inches.
Hopi call koyaanisqatsi.
We are living in kyoaanisqatsi right now.
We are living in a life that's out of balance."
"In the 1960s, mainstream scientists were already exploring the question of whether or not we're alone in the universe.
And there was only a handful of scientists who actually proposed the idea that, yes, there are other civilizations out there.
Now fast-forward 50 years.
You'd be very hard-pressed to find any scientist today saying that we're alone in the universe."
"I remember the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita,
"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." Dr. Robert Oppenheirmer (creater of atomic bomb)
"But if The Mahabharata is based on fact, wouldn't archaelogists have uncovered physical or radiological evidence? (about ancient atomic bombs as mentioned in mahabharata)
According to ancient astronaut theorists, they have.
The Indus Valley, Southern Pakistan.
In 1922, an officer with an Indian acheological sruvey group discovered the ruin of an ancient city known as Mohanjo-Daro.
According to mainstream archeologists, the city, whose name means 'mound of the dead',
had florished between 2600 and 1900 BC.
However the scientists in Pakistan have suggested Mohanjo Daro is much older.
Mainstream archeologists believe the city was abandoned as a result of climatic changes or possibly a decrease in trade.
But when the ruins of Mohenjo Daro were discovered in the 1920s, 44 skeletion were found lying face down in the street, many holding hands. Their faces and body positioning suggested they suffered a sudden, violent death.
You have a culture of people who literally were lying dead in the street.
Archaelogists have found human remains, and something big happened to these people (Philip Coppens)
What, in fact, did happen to the people of Mohenjo Daro?
Why is there evidence that wild animals avoided scavengin their remains?
And why, even after thousands of years, had their bones not decayed?
When, all of the a sudden, you have higher levels of radiation in certain areas of the world,
the question arises "Why"?
Is it possible that Mohenjo Daro was one of the cities mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita-- a city that suffered the equivalent of a sudden atomic attack?
In his 1979 book, Atomic Destruction in 2000 BC.
British researcher David Davenport claimed to have found a 50-yard=wide epicenter.
at Mohen jo Daro where everything appeared to have been fused through a transformative process known as 'vitrification.'
Vitrification is a process in which regular-type stone gets molten into a magma state and then it hardens again. But once the stone is hardened again, it feels like glass.
At Mohenjo Daro we find evidence of vitrification, which could have only been achieved if the material was exposed to extreme heat by some type of a blast."
"Noah's Ark was DNA bank."
"In 2008, on the Arctic island of Svalbard, a vault was built to store the seeds of hundreds of thousands of plants in the event of a global catastrophe."
"What did Columbus' men see?
What they saw was a luminous object, that upon breaking the water's surface, becamea UFO.
What's intriguing is that this was in what we call today the Bermuda Triangle."
"There's no running water there. Thare was no reason to live there. There's no good soil.
They did that because their guardian told them to live there.
During the times of summer and winter solstices, as well as the spring and fall equinoxes,
the people at Chaco Canyon could gauge the Earth's balance by watching the path of the sun daggers at Fajada Butte.
If the daggers did not peirce the petroglyphs at the same points as the previous year,
they would know that the Earth was out of balance.
And since the Earth fell out of balance at the end of the previous three worlds,
this could mean the end was coming once again."
"Scientists from NASA determined the earthquake that hit Chile on February 27, 2010
shifted the Earth's axis by three inches.
Hopi call koyaanisqatsi.
We are living in kyoaanisqatsi right now.
We are living in a life that's out of balance."
"In the 1960s, mainstream scientists were already exploring the question of whether or not we're alone in the universe.
And there was only a handful of scientists who actually proposed the idea that, yes, there are other civilizations out there.
Now fast-forward 50 years.
You'd be very hard-pressed to find any scientist today saying that we're alone in the universe."
encounters in near past and will they return?
tags: SETI, Drake Equation, Goldilocks Zone, Battle of Los Angeles: 1942, Foo Fighters, ROSWELL,
"The ancient Sanskrit writings of India tell us, for example, there are
400,000 human-like species scattered throughout the cosmos
in different planets, different solar systems, even different dimensions.
"Using his equation, Drake estimated that over one hundred million advanced civilizaions could exist in just the Milky Way galaxy.
"We look at the light coming from the planet.
And we split that light up, like a rainbow.
Now if you look at a rainbow in the sky, and you look really really carefully,
you will see some dark lines, you'll see some colors missing from the rainbow.
And those colors are missing because of absorption by gases in Earth's atmosphere.
So effectively, we're getting a rainbow from another planet, and
we're looking for dark lines that tell us what kinds of gases are in the atmosphere.
"the number of ufo sightings always increases during wartime."
"Five years after Rosewell, the United States Air Forece coined the term
Unidentified Flying Object or UFO."
In the decades since, thousands of UFOs have been reported, photographed and videotaped all over the world."
"The ancient Sanskrit writings of India tell us, for example, there are
400,000 human-like species scattered throughout the cosmos
in different planets, different solar systems, even different dimensions.
"Using his equation, Drake estimated that over one hundred million advanced civilizaions could exist in just the Milky Way galaxy.
"We look at the light coming from the planet.
And we split that light up, like a rainbow.
Now if you look at a rainbow in the sky, and you look really really carefully,
you will see some dark lines, you'll see some colors missing from the rainbow.
And those colors are missing because of absorption by gases in Earth's atmosphere.
So effectively, we're getting a rainbow from another planet, and
we're looking for dark lines that tell us what kinds of gases are in the atmosphere.
"the number of ufo sightings always increases during wartime."
"Five years after Rosewell, the United States Air Forece coined the term
Unidentified Flying Object or UFO."
In the decades since, thousands of UFOs have been reported, photographed and videotaped all over the world."
Ancient Aliens,
Clumbian Artifact,
puma punku,
rukma vimana,
The Great Pyramid,
Friday, June 24, 2011
What Darwin Didn't Know (2009)
What Darwin Didn't Know
Prof Armand Marie Leroi
Imperial College, London
BBC Four, 2009
"In this film, I'll chart the decline, fall, and ultimate triumph of Darwin's ideas.
Darwin's explanation of how evolution works was riddled with holes.
its logical foundations were shaky.
His evidednce was weak.
There was so much he did not, could not, know.
Richard Owen, who wrote one of the first reviews of The Origin.
Richard Owen, premier palaentologist, coined the term 'dinosaur'
He thougt that species change intermittently under the influence of some divine law.
and that periodically, they are swept away in some great catastrophe.
Sixth and Final edition of The Origin,
... Can it be that Darwin, in his dotage, is becoming less Darwinian?
Perhaps natural selection is not as powrful as once he had thought.
... Just the candour of an old man.
Everyone , that is, who mattered - agreed that evolution was a fact.
But natural selection?
No Thanks.
Hugo De Vries and his fellow mutationists had argued that species
originate instantaneously by single dramatic mutations.
By the end of the 1950s evolution had a new formula.
A combination of natural selection, isolation, Mendelian inheritance, and mathematical theory.
it was called the neo-Darwinian synthesis.
The forumula wasn't entirely Darwinian, but that didn't matter.
Natural selection does not count the fates of individuals,
it counts the fates of genes.
THOSE rocks over there are Cambrian.
That makes them around 525 million years old.
And they contain animal life, wonderful creatures such as
brachiopods, ostracods and trilobits.
THESE rocks are Precambrian, they're only about 30 million years older.
And yet they are empty.
Threre are no animal remains in them whatsoever.
But how could it this be?
If these Precambrian rocks didn't have any fossils in them,
Where did the animals come from?
Characteristically, Darwin did not shirk the problem.
Perhaps the simplest of all animals is a microscopic creature called
It doesn't have a gut, a mouth, a brain, or even sense organs.
WE're genetically closest to chimpanzees and bonobos.
5 to 6 million years ago our ancestor was theirs.
7 million years ago, we shared ancestor with the gorilla.
12 million years ago, with an orangutan.
And so on back to the very beginning of life.
"Who do you think you are?" asked Haeckel.
And answered.
"You are an ape, a mammal, a reptile, a fish, a worm, a ball of cells and finally a single cell, floating in the saline womb of the primordial seas."
Everyone just knew that human eyes and fly eyes
had evolved independently.
How could it be otherwise - they just looked so very different?
But the discovery that they shared a gene
told us that they shared an evolutionary history.
In the evolutionary long run.
success needs something else,
it need flexibility.
On being able to respond to a mutable and contingent world.
Let me put it another way -
In the short run, creatures evolve.
In the long run, they evolve evolvability."
Prof Armand Marie Leroi
Imperial College, London
BBC Four, 2009
"In this film, I'll chart the decline, fall, and ultimate triumph of Darwin's ideas.
Darwin's explanation of how evolution works was riddled with holes.
its logical foundations were shaky.
His evidednce was weak.
There was so much he did not, could not, know.
Richard Owen, who wrote one of the first reviews of The Origin.
Richard Owen, premier palaentologist, coined the term 'dinosaur'
He thougt that species change intermittently under the influence of some divine law.
and that periodically, they are swept away in some great catastrophe.
Sixth and Final edition of The Origin,
... Can it be that Darwin, in his dotage, is becoming less Darwinian?
Perhaps natural selection is not as powrful as once he had thought.
... Just the candour of an old man.
Everyone , that is, who mattered - agreed that evolution was a fact.
But natural selection?
No Thanks.
Hugo De Vries and his fellow mutationists had argued that species
originate instantaneously by single dramatic mutations.
By the end of the 1950s evolution had a new formula.
A combination of natural selection, isolation, Mendelian inheritance, and mathematical theory.
it was called the neo-Darwinian synthesis.
The forumula wasn't entirely Darwinian, but that didn't matter.
Natural selection does not count the fates of individuals,
it counts the fates of genes.
THOSE rocks over there are Cambrian.
That makes them around 525 million years old.
And they contain animal life, wonderful creatures such as
brachiopods, ostracods and trilobits.
THESE rocks are Precambrian, they're only about 30 million years older.
And yet they are empty.
Threre are no animal remains in them whatsoever.
But how could it this be?
If these Precambrian rocks didn't have any fossils in them,
Where did the animals come from?
Characteristically, Darwin did not shirk the problem.
Perhaps the simplest of all animals is a microscopic creature called
It doesn't have a gut, a mouth, a brain, or even sense organs.
WE're genetically closest to chimpanzees and bonobos.
5 to 6 million years ago our ancestor was theirs.
7 million years ago, we shared ancestor with the gorilla.
12 million years ago, with an orangutan.
And so on back to the very beginning of life.
"Who do you think you are?" asked Haeckel.
And answered.
"You are an ape, a mammal, a reptile, a fish, a worm, a ball of cells and finally a single cell, floating in the saline womb of the primordial seas."
Everyone just knew that human eyes and fly eyes
had evolved independently.
How could it be otherwise - they just looked so very different?
But the discovery that they shared a gene
told us that they shared an evolutionary history.
In the evolutionary long run.
success needs something else,
it need flexibility.
On being able to respond to a mutable and contingent world.
Let me put it another way -
In the short run, creatures evolve.
In the long run, they evolve evolvability."
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Can We Make a Star on Earth (2008)
Can We Make a Star on Earth.
by Horizon, Brain Cox
"Sun is 75% Hydrogen, 24% Helium and 1% heavier elements."
"E=MC2, Energy equals Mass times Speed of Light Squared.
speed of Light Squared immense number, it got 16 naughts after 9.
c2 = 90000000000000000"
"Mass is incredibly condense form of energy."
"From just H and He in the beginning generations of stars created every element we familiar with today."
by Horizon, Brain Cox
"Sun is 75% Hydrogen, 24% Helium and 1% heavier elements."
"E=MC2, Energy equals Mass times Speed of Light Squared.
speed of Light Squared immense number, it got 16 naughts after 9.
c2 = 90000000000000000"
"Mass is incredibly condense form of energy."
"From just H and He in the beginning generations of stars created every element we familiar with today."
Brian Cox,
Can We Make a Star on Earth,
HUBBLE 3D (2010)
"It's no secret that space is a dangerous place...
In the last two decades, 32 astronauts have put their own lives on the line...
to give life to Hubble."
"in orbit the sun rises and sts every 90 minutes."
"It's no secret that space is a dangerous place...
In the last two decades, 32 astronauts have put their own lives on the line...
to give life to Hubble."
"in orbit the sun rises and sts every 90 minutes."
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
LIFE (2009)
BBC (2009)
Ep.1 - Challenges of Life
Ep. 2 - Reptiles and Amphibians
Ep. 3 - Mammels
Ep. 4 - Fish
Ep. 5 - Birds
Ep. 6 - Insects
Ep. 7 - Hunters and Hunted
Ep. 8 - Creatures of the Deep
Ep. 9 - Plants
Ep. 10 - Primates
"This female orangutan is 42 years old.
Her 3rd child, a six year old daughter is still with her.
Orangs look after theri children for longer than any other primate...
except ourselves.
It will take her nine years to teach her youngster everything she need to know
about this complex tree-top world."
"Remembering your lessons is a vital part of primate life."
"Tool-using was a major breakthrough in primate evolution."
"Chimpanzees can show great kindness, and compassion.
Sharin, Experimenting, Empathy, Planning, Intelligence, Teaching and Learning.
Behavior so characteristic of us higher primates."
"WE are the most inventive and innovative of all primates."
"WE share 99% of our genes with Chimpanzee."
"In the great Tee of Life,
we and chimpanzees went our separate ways about six million years ago,
but they remain our closest living relatives."
BBC (2009)
Ep.1 - Challenges of Life
Flying Fishes.
Harem Suare of Hippos.
Devoted Mothers: Ocotpus and Strawberry Poison Arrow Frog.
Band of Brothers: Cheetahs
Capuchin Monkeys, Using Tools, Hammer and anvil to break the nut palms.
________________________Ep. 2 - Reptiles and Amphibians
"Being cold blooded they can go without food for months and stay inactive except when they squabble."
"A human would need to run at 65mph to do this." (to run on water)
Gecko (very small lizard) have hydrophobic skin. it doest not wet him, neither it sink in water.
"the praying mantis have 360 degrees vision."
"Reptiles and amphibians rerely care for their young after they hatch
but this South African bruiser (bullfrog) is an exception."
but this South African bruiser (bullfrog) is an exception."
The Komodo Dragon
"A brand new discovery reveals that the dragon has venom, like a snake.
The bite will eventually prove fatal but it's going to take several weeks."
The bite will eventually prove fatal but it's going to take several weeks."
"this is the biggest venomous animal on the planet."
__________________________Ep. 3 - Mammels
"The largest Animal on land, the elephant is the mammal.
And so are the largest animals in the sea. (Whales)."
And so are the largest animals in the sea. (Whales)."
"Warm bodies, extraordinary senses and highly-developed intelligence -
and those qualities have contributed to their, and our, success."
"but perhaps the most important characteristic of all lies in the strength of our family ties."
"It is the mammal family that has conquered the earth."
__________________________and those qualities have contributed to their, and our, success."
"but perhaps the most important characteristic of all lies in the strength of our family ties."
"It is the mammal family that has conquered the earth."
Ep. 4 - Fish
Mudskipper: a fish out of water. "it can walk on land and breather air."
Hippos, Cleaned by Barbel.
___________________________Ep. 5 - Birds
"Like their reptilian ancestors, birds lay waterproof eggs."
"A V-formation is the most energy efficient means of flying.
it significantly reduces drag for the bird behind." Pelicans
___________________________it significantly reduces drag for the bird behind." Pelicans
Ep. 6 - Insects
Dameselflies: mating while making shape of heart, and laying eggs very inside of water.
Bombardier beetle: "it can create a chemical reaction within it's body so violent that boiling caustic liquid explodes out it s abdomen."
Japanese red bug: strange! Mothers struggle hard to feed children and children leave the home if they are not feed and other mothers feed the other children till death.
Dawson's bee: kill each other for mate.
Grasscutter Ant: they are farmers. they cut the grass to feed fungus, and grow fungus to eat, and build houses as fresh air comes from one side and CO2 releases from another!
________________________Ep. 7 - Hunters and Hunted
Ep. 8 - Creatures of the Deep
"Jellyfish have no brain and no blood.
But they do have eyespots that enable them to tell the difference between light and dark."
Ep. 9 - Plants
"Bristle-cone pines are the oldest living things on Earth.
may have seen the sun rise more than 1.5 million times."
may have seen the sun rise more than 1.5 million times."
"Bamboo is the fastest growing plant.
It will be full-grown = 30 metres tall = in just 90 days."
It will be full-grown = 30 metres tall = in just 90 days."
Carnivorous Plants: Sundew, Venus Fly Trap,
"A plant's problems don't end once it's been pollinated.
Plants need to spread their seeds as far away as possible,
Otherwise the adults will be in direct competition with their offspring."
Plants need to spread their seeds as far away as possible,
Otherwise the adults will be in direct competition with their offspring."
Cactus: "if it was lucky enough to find shade, a seed will still take ten years
to become a five centimeter tall cactus.
To reach the size of its parents, possibly ten meters, will take at least 100 years."
to become a five centimeter tall cactus.
To reach the size of its parents, possibly ten meters, will take at least 100 years."
"A 60-second shot that proved to be one of the most complex ever attempted in natural history film-making."
________________________Ep. 10 - Primates
"This female orangutan is 42 years old.
Her 3rd child, a six year old daughter is still with her.
Orangs look after theri children for longer than any other primate...
except ourselves.
It will take her nine years to teach her youngster everything she need to know
about this complex tree-top world."
"Remembering your lessons is a vital part of primate life."
"Tool-using was a major breakthrough in primate evolution."
"Chimpanzees can show great kindness, and compassion.
Sharin, Experimenting, Empathy, Planning, Intelligence, Teaching and Learning.
Behavior so characteristic of us higher primates."
"WE are the most inventive and innovative of all primates."
"WE share 99% of our genes with Chimpanzee."
"In the great Tee of Life,
we and chimpanzees went our separate ways about six million years ago,
but they remain our closest living relatives."
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