Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Irteqa - Hadis

حدیث کا مفہوم ہے کہ جس کا آج کل سے اچھا نہیں گذرا سمجھو و تباہ ہوگیا۔
اسلام تغیر کا قائل ہے مگر تنزلی کی صورت میں نہیں بلکہ ارتقاء کی صورت میں۔ اسلام میں نفس کی ترقی کے باقاعدہ درجات ہیں جو ہر انسان کو ارتقاء کی منزل کے ساتھ حاصل کرنے ہیں اور جیسے جیسے انسان کا نفس ارتقاء کی منزل عبور کرتا چلا جاتا ہے ویسے ویسے انسان خدا کے قریب ہوتا چلا جاتا ہے۔
[ڈاکٹر علیم شیخ، طاہرہ، ڈسمبر ۲۰۰۹]

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Children of Men

Children of Men

"so, you've got faith over here, right, and chance over there.
- like yin and yang. - sort of. ...
Julian and Theo met among a million protesters in a rally by chance.
but they were there because of what they believed in, in the first place, their faith. they wanted to change the world. and  their faith kept them together.
but by chance, Dylan was born.
.. Their faith put in praxis. ... and by chance he was gone.
You see Theo's faith lost out to chance.
So, why bother, if life's going to make its own choices?

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Fountain

The Fountain

How Life is So Miserable if There Is No Death!
... trapped in the cosmos, living in timeless dimension, without the difference of day and night, ...
... may be we'll be trapped in this 'death' after death... then we'll need (anyway) to 'kill this death' to free ourselves forever ... 


"Finnish It. Please leave me alone, I don't know how it ends."

"death is a disease. it's like any other. and there's a cure. a cure. and i will find it."

Nowhere in Africa

Nowhere in Africa

"if somebody steals your ox, it will be killed, cooked and eaten. you will forget that soon. But if somebody steals your land, then it's always there. You can visit it. it'll always be there. You can't forget that."

"Tolerance doesn't mean that everyone is the same.
What i've learned here is how valuable differences are.
Differences are good. and intelligent people will never hold it against you."

Monday, February 7, 2011

ZEITGEIST - Moving Forward

Zeitgeist - Moving Forward


money in possession, that's the way you keep the score.

nothing is genetically program (Dr. Gabor Mate)

"it's all in the genes": an explanation for the way things are that does not threaten the way things are. Why should someone feel unhappy or engage in antisocial behavior when that person is living in the freest and most prosperous nation on earth? It can't be the system! There must be a flaw in the wiring somewhere."
so the genetic argument is simply cope-out. which allows us to ignore a social and economic ... that in fact underly many troublesome behaviour.

addiction is shopping, internet, video games, .. addiction of power, they want more and more and more ...

tobacco smoke, add diseases, kill 5.5 million people around the world everyday.

what is accepetable what is repectable is highly arbitarary phenomenon to society.

neural darwinism, if you take a child with perfect eyes at birth, you put him in dark room for 5 years, he'll be blind after for rest of his life.

human TOUCH is essential for developement, and in fact infacne will never picked up will eventully die.

BIO PSYCHO SOCIAL nature of human developemnt. which says the biology of human beings depends very much on the interacail of the social and psychological environment.

we must ask the question, is the condition we've created in the modern world is actually supporting our health, is the bedrock associated our economic system  acting as positive force for human and social develpment and progress. OR is the foundation gravition of our society actually going against the core evolutionary requirments needed to creat and maintain our personal and social well being.

John Locke: introduced Property. "the labour of his body and the work of his hands, we may say, are strictly his. So when he takes something from the state that nature has provided and left if in, HE MIXES HIS LABOUR WITH IT, THUS JOINGING TO IT SOMETHING THAT IS HIS OWN; AND IN THAT WAY HE MAKES IT HIS PROPERTY."

YOU HAVE TO CREATE PROBLEMS TO CREATE PROFIT. (Michael C. Ruppert: Investigative Journalist) ... there is no profit under the current paradigm.. in  saving lives, putting balance on planet, having justice and peace anything else.. there is no profit there.

the war industry in america is THE HUGE drive of GDP, one of THE MOST PROFITABLE  INDUSTRIES. producing the weapons of death and destruction. the favourite game of this industry is the blow things up and then go to rebuild them, For Profit.

one child dies every five secionds as a result of hunger and malnutrition.

it has been estimated in the United States alone that the Income Tax will need to be raised to 65% per peson, just to recover the interest, in near future.

the world is going to bankrupt, whatever the hell that means. because of this idea called DEBT which doesn't even exist in physical reality. its only the part of game that we invented.

"World richest 1% own 40% of all wealth, UN report discoers"

producing goods in one continent and shipping it to another, only make sense if the goods in question simply cannot produce in the target area, otherwise its nothing but wasteful.

to rebuild the world in second garden of aden, the choice-wise with you, the stupidity in nuclear arm race, the developement of weapons, trying to solve your problems politically, by electing this political party or that political party, that all politics are immersed in curruption, let me say it again Communism, Socialism, Fascism, the Democrates, the Liberals. We want to absorbed human beings. all Organiszations that believed the better life of man. there are no negro problems, or polish problems, or jewish problems, or greek problems, or woman's problems, THERE ARE HUMAN PROBLEMS, i'm not afraid of anybody, i don't work for anyone, no one can discharge me, i have no boss, I'M AFRAID TO LIVE IN SOCIETY, WE LIVE IN TODAY. Our society cannot be maintained by this type of incompetance. it was great to free enterprise system about 35 years ago, that was the last that usefulness. NOW WE CHANGE OF OUR THINKING OR PERISH. (JACQUE FRESCO, Industrial Designer)

money is in fact a false incentive and causes the hundred times more distortion than it does contribution.

they are victims of culture, that means that have've influenced of their culture.

'Humans will need two Earths by 2030'
Human being are overusing the planet's resources and will need two Earths by 2030. (The Times Of Idia)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Search For The First Human - Toumaï

Search For The First Human (Sahelanthropus Tchadensis)



7 million years, .. i come 230,000 generations before you.

they didn't expect to find me here, for 30 years the world scientist believed that mankind originated in the east of africa, i .. came from west of great rift valley from the jurab desert of norther chad.

they believed i'm the part of skull of hominid, a cranium near 7 million years old. IF IT IS TRUE IT'LL TURN THE PREVIOS THEORY ABOUT THE ORIGIN OF MAN, UPSIDE DOWN.

many scientists believed that the early hominid started to walk upright because their habitat changed, still living in forests they adopting the open savanah, Michele thinks the story is more complicated and I LIVED IN WOODY environment.

i could be ancestor of Audipithicus, this could be the vital clue imploying the hominid may have gradually migrated from west to east africa.

LUCY, a small female astropithicus, discovered 30 years ago, for many years she was the oldest ancestor of mankind, NOW ALL THAT HAS CHANGED, ... I'M A HOMINID, OFFICIAL NAME SAHELANTHROPUS TCHADENSIS, ALIAS TOUMAI, NEARLY 7 MILLION YEARS OLD, A NEW SPECIES OF PRE HUMAN BEING,

Sahelanthropus tchadensis is an extinct hominid species that is dated to about 7 million years ago. Whether it can be regarded as part of the Hominina tree is unclear; there are arguments both supporting and rejecting it. Another complication in its classification is that it is older than the human-chimpanzee divergence (estimated to 6.3 to 5.4 million years ago) seen in genetic data,[2] and that there are few if any specimens other than the partial cranium known as Toumaï.

Horizon - What is REALITY



-REALITY is much weird than it seems, i feel like i'm standing still but I'm actually zooming at 67 thousand miles an hour around the sun, i feel kinda i'm solid but i'm really mostly empty space, and the stuff going on here with the game may be the flow of time it just illusion!

-when you collide the single proton with single anti-proton, you create this point of energy, out of a single collision you actually generate a hundreds of particles.. hundreds of different particles that one of physicists needs try to identify.

-standard model of elementary particles. 6 clocks, 6 electrons cousins electrons and 4 particles that carry force, together these 16 pieces makeup the world around us we see.

-there is a contradiction here, on the one hand we have individual particle which can go through one slit only at a time, on the other hand we have strips that indicate there are waves which goes through both slits. how can something goes through one slit and the both slits at the same time.
the idea that the single particle of light can somehow spiting in two and go through both slits at once , goes against all the laws of nature we know!

-so the reality turns out to be stranger that we ever imagined. EVERYTHING HAS A POWER TO BE TWO PLACES AT ONCE. But we never see it, its all very peculiar.

-it seems as whatever our senses are telling us about reality, we only get the experience of fraction of whats really going on ..

-it seemed absolutely widely/wildly impossible that the black holes would violent all the principles of physics that we know.

-today INFORMATION is as imporatant part of reality as matter and energy, everything physical contains information, thats the description what something is, its color, its mass, its location, and crucialy like energy information can never be destroyed.


... as you go deeper and deeper into the reality, the mathematics becomes the only way to describe reality.


Jack 15

Why is it that these types of documentaries always ask only
theoretical physicists and cosmologists about what reality is? Astronomy is a ‘historical science’ like geology is. You can’t do experimental astronomy. All you can do is look out into space and see what happened far in the past. String theory has been around since the 70's and reached it’s zenith in 1985 and to date there has never been any experimental evidence for it’s existence. The same goes for the ‘Many Worlds’ theories and ‘M/brane’ theory. Multiple dimensions wound up so small that it’s impossible to ever see them or sense them in any way? How does that explain reality? What these theoretical physicists are doing is engaging in meta-physics. A branch of philosophy. There is even good reason to believe that particle physics may be turning into a branch of mathematics and won’t even be an empirical science any more. It will have come full circle.
One of the worst advocates of this nonsense is Michio Kaku.
If you haven’t seen the series “Universe” Season 3 – “Parallel Universes” try to find it. While talking about
multiverses he actually says, “This even affects morals. I mean, why should I obey the law knowing that in some
universe, if I comit a crime I’m gonna get away with it?”
I can just see someone using that as a defense in a murder trial.

Horizon - What is REALITY

REALITY is much weired than it seems, i feel like i'm standing still but i'm actully zooming at 67 thousand miles an hour around the sun, i feel kinda i'm solid but i'm realy mostly empty space, and the stuff going on here with the game may be the flow of time it just illusion!

when you collide the single proton with single anti-proton, you create this point of energy, out of a single collision you actually generate a hundreds of particles.. hundreds of diff. particles that one of physists needs try to identify.

standard model of elementry particles. 6 clocks, 6 electrons cousins electrons and 4 particls that carry force, together these 16 pieces makeup the world around us we see.

there is a contradiction here, on the one hand we have individual particle which can go through onle slit only at a time, on the other hand we have strips that indicate there are waves which goes through both slits. how can something goes through one slit and the both slits at the same time.
the idea that the single particle of light can somehow spliting in two and go through both slits at once , goes against all the laws of nature we know!

so the reality turns out to be stranger that we ever imagined. EVERYTHING HAS A POWER TO BE TWO PLACES AT ONCE. But we never see it, its all very peculiar.

it seems as whatever our senses are telling us about reality, we only get the experience of fraction of whats really going on ..

it seemed absolutely widely/wildly impossible that the black holes would violent all the principles of physics that we know.

today INFORMATION is as imporatant part of reality as matter and energy, everything physical contains information, thats the description what something is, its color, its mass, its location, and crucialy like energy information can never be destroyed.


... as you go deeper and deeper into the reality, the mathemitcs becomes the only way to describe reality.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Evolution Is Not From Outside But Inside, through Genes..!!


-homo sapience is Not the end of the line, we are still evolving but what we are invloving into...?

-the increase in the number of discoveries is crowidng the issue, ... where do we come from? where we are going? who are we?

-and so our ancestor are already standing on two legs while they are still living in the forests. ...

-in Europe 70% of children have the problems of tooth and jaw mis-alignment, in US 80%, in japan 95%. and increasing phenomenon that appears to have start in middle ages.

-the shape of the jawbone, and thus that of the cranial bones, is still evolving (Deshayes- orthodontist)

-Sphenoid is the keystone. the form of this bone has evolved over million of years, and each time it flexed it let to appear the new species of our family. whats extraordinary is that in sixty million years the sphenoid has change form five times, bending a bit more each time.

-sphenoid is the first bone to form in the embryo.

-homonoid evaluation did not happen gradually but in major stages.

-the thing that change the first emergence of homos is the appearance of LANGUAGE.

-...last speaker of Khoisan, one of the language of bush-man, ponetically  speaking it is one of the RICHEST language of the world, it comprises all the sounds we use and also includes those are used of first man.

-if indeed there are several cradles of modern mankind then sapiens did'nt need to leave africa 2nd time to repopulate the world. this hypothesis complete changes the map that how humans populated the world. homo in fact did'nt leave africa 2 million years ago. but he then evolved in different regions of planet.


-you don't need a milion mutations. the mutation of just two or four regulator genes can completely change an organism's structure.

-Evolution is the Exception, Extinction is the rule.
Philip Tobias.

-the construction and number of neurons is multiplying. thats happening now.

-we are homo sapiens we are the first creaturs with the brain, complex enough to question the history and meaning the of our own evolution.
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