CBC Documentary, 2005
1. BERLIN - Metropolis of Vice
Berlin in the 1920s was the sex capital in the europe.
By 1922, the inflation was spiringly wildly out of control.
Virtually every currency in the world more valuable
than the German Marks.
Foreign tourists flock into the city
taken advantage of cheapest sex on the continent.
... $ 10 American money could buy you anything you wanted wanted.
People were renting out their bodies,
people like Generals, their wives,
could have been terribly attractive
would engage in public sex
in their living room
if any Japanies, Turks or American pay for it.
With entire life saving
disappeared in hyper inflation and desperate for hard currency
middle class Berliners, transformed their homes
into houses of pleasure for tourists.
... and papa became pimps.
Anita Berber
Anita Berber |
Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld
The crusading doctor for sexual freedom
was also the founder of the world's first institute
devoted to scientific study
of SEx.
Unlike his fellow doctor in Vienna Sigmund Freud
Hirshfeld advocated the radical notion
that human sexuality could be studied
withoug imposing moral judgements.
And yet there was one activity
which virutally every Berliner supported
that was Naked Culture.
Berlin was the center of modern nudist movement.
2. PARIS - The Crazy Years
Paris in 20s went crazy.
"Sex sex sex,
sex see through the daily life of Parisians,
women's bare breasts were an accepted part in evening's entertainment
prostitution was legal, and brothels flourished.
In the 20s the city has 221 registered brothels,
15 of which desgnated as the Lux Houses.
Well 12 RUE CHABANAIS was considered the most luxiruos and high class
in the cities house of pleasure,
at the lower end the Parisians brothels could be
charmless, seedy, dumps, where women were ruthlessly exploited
and in some cases they were expected to perform more than 100 times a day.
And in this land of churches,
religion looked in another way
in other way of matter of sexual,
there were even a brothels that catered to sexual needs
of priests.
... but in the 20s was almost essential
if you didn't have sex with your close friends,
there is something wrong with you.
It was the women more intersting in Paris in 20s.
... i would say about 3rd of them were lesbian.
... they had a lifestyle, they would not be looked on favorably in their home towns,
and they could live quit freely, because they were foreigners.
Kiki |
But Jazz as far as French was concerned
was Black Music, and had to be played by black musicians,
to be legitimate, to be very genuine.
What you saw what you got
was Josephs Baker
Whatever she felt like doing she did,
she was angry she was angry,
if she felt sexy she had sex,
Being very natural and instinctive.
This was behind lot of leading artistic movements of that town.
Lets ------ to our instincts,
The sin stuff is good.
Paris in the 20s i think will never happene again
that coming together so many artists
at one time at one place
what happened in Paris
colored world literature, world art,
we are still influnced by what happened.
Paris for a brief time
was the home to the greatest concentrations
of greater geniuses of the 20th century.
Here in this place of cosmoppolitain tolerence
sexual freedom, they were able to transform for all time
the worlds of art, literature, and music.
3. SHANGHAI - Paradise for Adventures
French Concession
Small feet
Cheap Female Servants - Ama
"Shanghai did not required passports,
so anybody could go there who wanted to find asylumm.
Communist Party
"Some 20,000 White Russians flooded to city."
"The majority of White Russian men
found it almost impossible to find work.
So it was upto their wives, and daughers,
to make a living
anyway they could."
"I for example had a Spanish boy friend,
whom to my mother horros*, his name was Jesus,
she said, couldn't you find somebody else with different name for Jewish girl.
and he couldn't speak english, but who cared."
-Rena Krasno
Authour: A Jewish Family in Shanghai
"Another group of refugees
was about to flood the city
they were European Jews
escaping Hitler
to one of the only place in the world
that was open to them."
"For the Shanghai lenders
life in the 20s and 30s
in this the most cosmopolitian place on earth
became the stuff of legend
the crazy, free for all
in the sin city called, Shanghai."