Saturday, December 31, 2011

Legendary Sin Cities

CBC Documentary, 2005


1. BERLIN - Metropolis of Vice

Berlin in the 1920s was the sex capital in the europe.

By 1922, the inflation was spiringly wildly out of control.

Virtually every currency in the world more valuable
than the German Marks.

Foreign tourists flock into the city
taken advantage of cheapest sex on the continent.

... $ 10 American money could buy you anything you wanted wanted.

People were renting out their bodies,
people like Generals, their wives,
could have been terribly attractive
would engage in public sex
in their living room
if any Japanies, Turks or American pay for it.

With entire life saving
disappeared in hyper inflation and desperate for hard currency
middle class Berliners, transformed their homes
into houses of pleasure for tourists.

... and papa became pimps.

Anita Berber

Anita Berber

Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld

The crusading doctor for sexual freedom
was also the founder of the world's first institute
devoted to scientific study
of SEx.

Unlike his fellow doctor in Vienna Sigmund Freud
Hirshfeld advocated the radical notion
that human sexuality could be studied
withoug imposing moral judgements.

And yet there was one activity
which virutally every Berliner supported
that was Naked Culture.
Berlin was the center of modern nudist movement.


2. PARIS - The Crazy Years

Paris in 20s went crazy.

"Sex sex sex,
sex see through the daily life of Parisians,
women's bare breasts were an accepted part in evening's entertainment
prostitution was legal, and brothels flourished.

In the 20s the city has 221 registered brothels,
15 of which desgnated as the Lux Houses.

Well 12 RUE CHABANAIS was considered the most luxiruos and high class
in the cities house of pleasure,
at the lower end the Parisians brothels could be
charmless, seedy, dumps, where women were ruthlessly exploited
and in some cases they were expected to perform more than 100 times a day.

And in this land of churches,
religion looked in another way
in other way of matter of sexual,
there were even a brothels that catered to sexual needs
of priests.


... but in the 20s was almost essential
if you didn't have sex with your close friends,
there is something wrong with you.

It was the women more intersting in Paris in 20s.
... i would say about 3rd of them were lesbian.
... they had a lifestyle, they would not be looked on favorably in their home towns,
and they could live quit freely, because they were foreigners.


But Jazz as far as French was concerned
was Black Music, and had to be played by black musicians,
to be legitimate, to be very genuine.

What you saw what you got
was Josephs Baker
Whatever she felt like doing she did,
she was angry she was angry,
if she felt sexy she had sex,
Being very natural and instinctive.
This was behind lot of leading artistic movements of that town.
Lets  ------ to our instincts,
The sin stuff is good.

Paris in the 20s i think will never happene again
that coming together so many artists
at one time at one place
what happened in Paris
colored world literature, world art,
we are still influnced by what happened.

Paris for a brief time
was the home to the greatest concentrations
of greater geniuses of the 20th century.
Here in this place of cosmoppolitain tolerence
sexual freedom, they were able to transform for all time
the worlds of art, literature, and music.


3. SHANGHAI - Paradise for Adventures


French Concession

Small feet


Cheap Female Servants - Ama

"Shanghai did not required passports,
so anybody could go there who wanted to find asylumm.

Communist Party

"Some 20,000 White Russians flooded to city."

"The majority of White Russian men
found it almost impossible to find work.
So it was upto their wives, and daughers,
to make a living
anyway they could."

"I for example had a Spanish boy friend,
whom to my mother horros*, his name was Jesus,
she said, couldn't you find somebody else with different name for Jewish girl.
and he couldn't speak english, but who cared."
-Rena Krasno
Authour: A Jewish Family in Shanghai

"Another group of refugees
was about to flood the city
they were European Jews
escaping Hitler
to one of the only place in the world
that was open to them."

"For the Shanghai lenders
life in the 20s and 30s
in this the most cosmopolitian place on earth
became the stuff of legend
the crazy, free for all
in the sin city called, Shanghai."


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mark Zuckerberg: Inside facebook

BBC Documentary, 2011


Zuckerberg's Facebook journey began just seven years ago at Harvard University.
He was studying psychology and computer science.

"I remember hanging out with my friends and going to the local pizza place and talking about,
you know, in the future, you're going to be able to share all the stuff that you want and you're going to
be able to have access to it, know all the things that you're doing and all these different experiences.
But we just figured someone else was going to do it.
Who are we to go build this?
We are 19 years old, we were in college, we knew nothing about companies
but we want this to exist.
We've focused on it probably more than anyone else and we're one of the companies
that's helping to bring this about.
It's really cool and who'd have thought, right?

Harry Lewis taught Zuckerberg computer science.
Decades earlier, he also taught Bill Gates.

Bill Gates

Within a few months facebook reached its first million users.

In 2005, the year after it was launched facebook hit five million users.

In 2005, Zuckerberg refused an offer from Yaho for $1 billion.

Facebok was courted by Microsoft with an offer that made a billion look like an insult.
When Microsoft in 2007 offered $15 billion for it, he wasn't interested in taking that either.

Where would Mark's office be then?
Well, Mark actually sits at a desk right over here just like everyone else.
- What, this is him?
This is him, yeah.
With the famous hoodie? Yeah,
There's his hoodie and a Mark Zuckerberg doll on his desk.
Zuckerberg's seat @ fb office.

Free Time.

But by 2008,
with more than 100 million users,

Marketing people call it
'word of mouth at sacle.'
Social media for the last million years has been about just word of mouth
so even when the wheel was created, people said,
"Wow, the wheel is here you've got to check this thing out!"
And so that obviously spread like wildfire,
but it took time to go, you know,
withing a community and then to another community.
With facebook it spreads instantaneously.

Facebook Games

Today, facebook seems unstoppable.
A huge social world online that runs in parallel with the real world.
Many facebook users already spend more time with their facebook friends
than meeting real friends, but do their personas on facebook
relfect their real selves?

My advice to facebook would be you've got to maintain the trust of your users,
that's the number one asset.
If you lose that, you're vulnerable to Google adn others winning this game.
And that's where Zuckerberg himself is vital to facebook.
He could be worth $17 billion after a stock market floatation,
but as long as most users believe in his sincerity,
they'll probably accept whatever changes facebook throws at them
because by all accounts he hasn't changed much.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Year the Earth Went Wild 2011

Documentary, 2011


In 2011 our planet went wild.
It was an extraordinary year,
from violent earthquakes, record number of tornados.
to one catastrophic tsunami.


Ice in North (America)

Flood in South (Australia)


Earthquake (New Zealand)
"The iconic cathedral in heart of Christ Church
suffered heavy damage."

"one of the effect of that (shallow epi center)
the energy that released immediately went
into the area of the Center Park Christ Church."

Earthquake (Japan)
"The ground shook for five long minutes."

".. It was not right, because in the history of Japan
there's been never an earthquake largher than 8.4.
The earthquake was a magnitude 9. One of the five strongest ever recorded in the world."

"Japan lies on the boundary
between two tectonic plates.
Over centuries the Japanese side of front line
have been dragged down, by the Pacific plate
driving beneath it."

Tsunami (Hawaii)

Nuclear Radiation (Japan)


Tornadoes (America)

"In mid April nearly 200 tornadoes
ripped though 16 American States
within the space of just 48 hours"

"Less than 2 weeks later ... super outbreak
336 tornadoes in less than 2 days."

"753 tornadoes hit the US in April,
more than any other month in American history."

"If you are knocked down,
you get back up."


Volcano Erupts (Chile)

Hurricanes (America)


Flood (Thailand)

Earthquake (Turkey)

"Turkey is another really active part of the world
in the terms of earthquake."

The biggest fault in Turkey is called
North Anatolian Fault."

"This deadly fault has now major cities in its sight."
The worry the next segment runs very close to Istanbul."

"There will be an earthquake,
There really any question of When,
rather than if."

"In 2011, Wold population hit 7 billion."

Facebook Follies

CBC Documentary, 2011


Human beings, by nature, are social creatures.
one of our basic and primitive needs is to connect with others.
When the telegraph was invented in the 19th century,
it changed everything.
And all the innovations in communication that followed
served the same purpose: to bring people closer together.

Most people don't understand about facebook
it's not being done for love.
It's a business.
And it's not even free.
You may think well, I'm not paying for this. Well,
you are paying for it. You're paying for it with your data.
You're giving away personal information which is a
commodity to facebook which they can sell onto others.
So you actually are the product which facebook is selling.

It happens all the time
computer hackers and fraudsters stealing
other people's identities, to make money.

You know. Because like,
particularly if you're young,
your identity changes quickly.
And the person you are at like 19, might be completely
different from the person you are two years later.

What i do here
you there,
because there is no 'there'.
There's only 'here'.

And online 'everywhere' is here.
And 'right now' can be forever.



movie, 2011


You're not a doctor and you're not a writer.
- Yes, I am a writer. Yes, I am.
Blogging is not writing.
It's graffiti with punctuation.

There ws a package she messengered from Hong Kong.
I opened it with scissors.
I'm not sure if ...
- No. It shouldn't be an issue.
- Virus can't live for days on a box.

When the word goes out
there will be a run on the banks,
gas stations, grocery stores, you name it.
People will panic.
-The virus will be the least of our worries.
-It will tip over now.
We just need to make sure that nobody knows until
everybody knows.

well, in 1918
one percent of the populaton died from Spanish flu.
It was novel, like this, no one had ever seen it before.
- One percent of America?
One percent of the world.

After the Spanish flu in 1918,
you know, people got rich.
The Vicks VapoRub people,
the Lysol people, look it up.

One man dies, another man makes money off his coffin.

You can't take my blood.
You can't, that's my property.

You know where this comes from, shaking hands?
- No
It was a way of showing a stranger you
weren't carrying a weapon in the old days.


Monday, December 26, 2011

The Universe: God and the Universe



... regardless whether or not they believe in God
most scientists agree that cosmic code appears to exist.

"everything in the universe is determined
by the fundamental forces of nature
the strength of those forces are characterised
by numbers called fundamental constants.
they are so sensitive that if they change
by a little bit, the universe as we know it
wouldn't be here."
-Laura Danly

Had it been perfectly smooth then
there wouldn't be any clumpse
which will grab it and form galaxies,
So we needed slight irregularties,
in the distribution of matter in the universe.
Had those irregularties been much smaller,
stars and galaxies would not have formed.
Had they been much larger,
everything would collapsed to form black holes.
-Alex Fillepenko

... but even though the right distribution of matter
through out the universe,
life would still never have formed
without a complex series of processes
isndie stars,
that converted He and H into heavier elements
like C that formed the basis of all living beings.

Had the laws of physics been a little bit different
or even if the physical constants have been little bit diferent
from what they really are,
this process of nuclear fusion and the explosion of stars
might have not been possible.
And we wouldn't be here to discuss it.
-Alex Fillepenko

I don't know single scientist who'll
disagree with the statement that
the World is exceedingly ingenious,
not just mathematical not just beautiful
not just elegant
but the manifestation of something truely

11 Dimenstions of String Theory

If God or other essential creatures
exist in higher number of dimensions
they might be able to see us
and get very close to us
without our knowing it.

Stphen Hawking said in his book - The Grand Design -
that the latest calculation in Quantum Theory
suggests a universal creator need never have existed.

Stephen Hawking and i said in Grand Design,
that the univese, the galaxy, the solar system, the earth
this rock, that everything came from nothing.
They've been created SPONTANIOUSLY from the Quantum Vacuum.

But perphaps more impresive question
is whether aliens might be the god
that people have been seeking.

Ultimately the point is
if there is no way to scientifically test
a hypothesis through experiments and observations
it's not truely a scientific hypothesis.
And so since the question of ultimate origin
and ultimate creator is fundamentally an
un-testable question
its real not part of science.
-Alex Fillipenko

Science cannot disprove something
which is beyond our universe
and the reason is
its taking its data
from within the universe itself
its ... ... .. saying
Oh the cartoon character
is going to use data from cartoon
to disprove the cartoonist.


The Witch Doctor Will See You Now

NG, 2011



For 35 years old New Yorker,
Jake Ray, has no sense of smell,

After a 3rd surgery,
i lost the sense of smell
because i can't smell
i have not taste
so the only thing i can really taste
are very salty things
and very sweet things.

I'm finding it hard to understand
medicine i can't see or touch
But i do believe in placebo effect
Its one of medicines greatest puzzles
when symptoms are reliviated
simply because of patient believes
the treatments works.

Professor Suen* believes
tongue is the map of body's entire meridian system
- the newtwork that control the flow of Qi or energy
around the body.
And by treating it with acupuncture needle
he believes he can cause a physical change
in different parts of the body.



To me it looks like archaic
blood letting was performed routinely in the west
for almost 2000 years
it was dismissed in the 19th century
as having no medical benefit.





Zombie Diaries 2

movie, 2011

- Are you afraid?
We're all afraid.
Anyone who says they're not afraid
is either lying or needs their fucking
head examined.

Perfect Sense (2011)

movie, 2011

The food becomes spicier,
saltier, more sweet, more sour,
you get used to it.
The greater loss are old memories,
that no longer get triggered.
Smell and memory are connected to the brain,
..... .... ....
... ... ... ...

Smell and taste are related
they are two chemical senses.

You're just pair of ears and one mouth
and arse hole and a c*nt
and you're surprised to know that everyone else does too.
Pair of ears and arse hole, fat f*cking flowers.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Story of God 3/3

The Story of God
Documentary, Part 3. host: Lord Robert Winston

[tags: Religion, Science, Interpretations...]


God Particle


Dr Dr. Duncan MacDougall
wanted to find out if soul is material or in-material
he wanted it to weigh.
He took 6 patients dying of tuberculosis
and put them on special weighing bed
and wighed them for last 3 hours of their life
as they were dying.
And what he noticed was, as they expect*,
each one lost weight, on average 21 grams.
.. and concluded therefore that the weights of human soul
was 21 grams.

What he then did, he did the same experiments with dogs,
... when they died, he weighed them, what he found was
that unlike the humans the dogs did'nt lose weight.
So he concluded the Humans have a soul dogs don't.

Pascal, Principles of Uncertainity.
His conclusion became knows as the Pascal's Weigher
it is entirely rational argument for taking an irrational leap of faith.


Galileo Galilie vs Bible

But the idea the science could describe the universe
better than scripture, was harder to suppressed.
By the time Galileo dided,
educated people were turning to scientists not priests for answers.

But nowa days the Vatican even has its own astronomy.

CERTAINITY is science's Original Sin.

A science expanded, God retreated,
He became the God of the gaps,
occupying those parts of the universe,
that are unexplored and unexplained
the science don't get around to yet.

Then in the middle of the 19th century along
came Charles Darwin with his theory of evolution,
and the God pushed so far back that for many people
He disappeared from the map altogether.

Noah's Flood = 4500 years ago.

According to a recent poll
45% of Americans believe that
the Genesis says one thing and
science textbooks say another,
Genesis must be right.

Galileo must be spinning in his grave.

God Gene (VMAT2)
According to Dean our capacity to know God is genetically determined.

Meseum of Creation, Kentucky

74 ft wide 450 ft long boat.

In America today
Science and God seems to be on collision course.

Perhaps the scientists can take confronts from the words of Sir Isaac Newton
who was a man of God as well as a man of science,
He said this,
"It seems to me as I am like a child
playing on the beach by the the sea
of the vast ocean of truth lies unexplored
before me."

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