Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Earthlings (2005)






Surely, if slaughterhouses had glass walls, wold not all of us be vegetarians?
But slaughterhouses do not have glass walls.
The architecture of slaughter is opaque, designed in the interest of denial,
to ensure that we will not see even if we wanted to look.

"And istead of the required "quick slice" across the thraot with sharp knife,
they are generally killed through hacking and sawing with a dull blade."

"In rodeos, bulls and broncos don't' buck because they're wild,
but because they're in pain.
A belt called a flank strap or a bucking strap is secured around the animal's body,
over the genital area.
"since animals react differently from human beings,
every new product or method tried out on animals must be tried out again on man through careful clinical tests, before it can be considered safe.
[critics: so you are suggesting that humans should also be treated like these animals, are
animals not enough for such misery...]

"Nature is not responisble for these actions.
We are."


All evils lead to America.
America is the Antichrist.

It seems it all happens because of 'Big Companies' and 'Materialism'.
Due to a big companies, millions of animals are put together,
so no one cares about them how they are treated.

[In contrast in third world countries food supply happens town by town area by area - locally on daily basis.
So due to the small businesses they take care of their animals.
Vegetables are plucked just in the morning and big animals are slaughtered just in the dawn, no packaging no transporting. and chicken is slaughtered on the spot right before you when you go to purchase. and this sentence is just opposite than the 'glass walls for slaughterhouses' given in documentary.] 
Due to materialism, we don't care if someone feels pain or not, (since i don't feel pain and there's no any reincarnation then who cares!)
and whether we are spoiling our environments or not ...

and Profit - a currency of Capitalism - is the main thing.
That's the rule of nature if you want to see it in balance.
And no animal break this rule. Eating meat is not a sin, every carnivorous hunt and eat in the jungles, but they keep it in balance. 
But when 'profit' come in between then Humans forget every rule and conduct. 
They become Blind.

In Islam, pork and mostly sea food is strictly forbidden, and petting dog is also considered very bad until it is useful to you. and no animal is 'halal' - legitimate - until it is slaughtered properly - cutting the neck/throat with sharp knife (that the best way to slaughter as it cuts the nerve cord and disconnect the body with brain, as brain will feel no pain and it cuts the main arteries and veins so blood pumps out fast, and you know when there is no blood in body, it becomes numb and feels no pain/or less. also blood is considered the root of diseases if it does not rushed out after the death of animal).
I wonder it would change the world if all the world followed these rules.
(I'm not preaching but looking at the above documentary and looking at the Islamic laws, really feels different)

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