Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Aliens and Lost Worlds

Ancient Aliens
Season 03, Episode 08




But why did the Maya create such precise maps of the Cosmos?
According to ancient astronauts theorists,
the Maya's knowledge of the stars,
in fact, came to them, from the stars,
brought by extraterrestrial beings.

COPPENS: When it comes to the ancient Maya that creation mythology
evokes these legends, which say somewhere, just south
of Orion's belt is this place
where life originated from
and they came to planet Earth on 1200 BC
When the ancient Mayans said the gods
came to Earth.

Nemrud Dagi, Turkey

Nazca Lines, Peru

"Preserved for centuries by the lack of wind
and rain, the lines are best seen from the air,
and were first spotted by aviators in the 1930s.

"Many of our ancestor would talk about the star people."
Jorge Luis Delgado Mamani (author, Andean Awakening)

VON DENIKEN" IN the beginning there was just one line
made by some robot or some extraterrestrial spaceship
or space shuttle because they were looking for raw material for energy.

Easter Island

...tallest moai, stands a towering 33 feet high and weighs a staggering 75 tons.

When the first Europeans arrived in 1722, the Rapa Nui culture
 had already been nearly wiped out...

.... And so that's the real mystery of Easter Islan
how can you move a multi-ton statue
if you have no trees for rollers?

In 1919, British archaeologist
Katherine Routledge, who lived
on Easter Island for a year,
recorded the legends and
testimony of an old woman who said the moai
were moved with a mystical energy called mana.
TSOKOULS: Was this mana really a type of magical force?
Of course not.
It was some type of misunderstood technology,
some type of a device, an extreterrestrial tool with which
you could move those massive Easter Island heads reather easily.

Did early inhabitants of Easter Island
really know how to unlock the secrets of gravity using mana?
And if so, where might such power over the physical world have come from?
Researchers believe there are clues hidden within mysterious
written texts called rongorongo,
 inscribed on pieces of wood, discovered on the island in the 19th century.

CHILDRESS: You have to ask yourself, how could the Easter Islanders
have invented their own writing without some other cultural
influence coming there.
Would it have been ancient seafarers coming to Easter Island
or perhaps even space visitors?


"We know there is actually a physical description as to where it was.
It is set at FOUR very specific rivers came from it, over near it.
So we can acutally go in search of this.
Two of these rivers the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers,
are well known and actually run through what is Iraq today.
The other two rivers that are described are not very clear.
Researchers now believe the third river,
known as the Karun River, runs through Iran and joins the Euphrates
just north of the Persian Gulf.
Then, in 2010, satellite imagery revealed a fossil river,
or dry riverbed, called teh Wadi Baton, that once flowed through
northern Arabia and also joined with the Euphrates.
Could these two rivers have been the location of the Pishon
and Gihon rivers-- the lost rivers mentioned in the Bible--
that point to the actual location of the Garden of Eden?

... it says that the four rivers form one river
so very careful reading indicates that the two rivers
which are today in Iraq, Tigris and Euphrates, and the one which
is in Iran, the Karun and a false river, in Arabia, and then when you join them up
to form one river that is the approximate location of northern Persian Gulf.

Scientists believe that during the last ice age,
the polar ice caps were two miles high and ocean levels were
170 feet lower than they are today.

"Adam" in Sumerian or a very early form of Sumerian,
means "a small rural settlement."
"Eve", however, isn't Sumerian.
"Eve" in Arabic and the SEmetic
languages means "one who gives birth."
The word "Eden" is a pre-Sumerian word and it means "plain."

"Personally, I'm leaning more towards the idea that the Garden of Eden
was some type of a closed environment somewhere
in nature, but it definitely was some type of a laboratory from where modern man originated."


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